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Knockdown stun-lock protection?


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I love using difficulty mods, but I notice a lot of them allow enemies to indefinitely spam knockdowns, essentially turning their attacks into one-hit kills. Sitting there spamming potions and waiting to be allowed to stand up gets rather annoying, so are there any mods that prevent the player from being knocked down for 15 seconds or so after taking a knockdown (or paralyze for that matter -- got paralyze-locked by an archer with the bullseye perk at one point) so I have a chance to get up and try to escape? ATM I'm using TGM just to let myself stand up, but it's not an ideal solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Should note that this applies to the full-body stun, as well, though that particular stun appears much less frequently.

Edited by U1849KA
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