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Coolest Necromancer Epic Mod Idea Ever :D


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Wouldn't it be cool if one of the gods of Modding, who make those epic full-world quest-line mods like Nehrim, made a mod wholly inspired and revolving around this?




Where they create a REAL Necromancy School, Cult, Magic Playstyle that is far superior to Bethesda's version of Necromancy, and you can choose to bring about Arkay's destruction, or destroy the Cults of Necromancy forever?


Maybe they wouldn't have to create a COMPLETE Necromancy thing. Just, like, difference sub-classes of Necromancy and certain focuses like Minions, Cursing and Debuff type focuses that entail diseases and sicknesses and death that way, and some other things that Necromancers might do, like using fear effects and things to twist people's minds into becoming minions or something.


I think it would also be cool if, if they did this, to see about contacting the creator of the Mod Undeath, where you can become a full-blown Lich, and asking to use that with credit and such in a new way as one of the quests should the player choose to become a Necromancer, and have that be one of hte last things you achieve, and incorporate that. Perhaps the creater of Undeath might even wind up working to create such a grand mod and so the style of his Lich form is not completely taken over, but is an inspiration or something.


I think it would be awesome if someone researched this, and had the right place and setting and whatnot lore-wise, and was able to see about creating a story like this.


Edit: Okay. Guess it's just me then.

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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this wouldn't end up like the companions quest would it where you have to become one and have no choice, what if you want to remain an all powerful Vampire Lord who can fly has power to block out the sun and who has melee and magic attacks not just one or the other and relies on their strength and not some phylactery to stay alive

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking that its a fully meshed questline mod that adds necromancy spells and things. Now, if you chose to do the lichdom thing and Undeath is used, at the moment Undeath is its own form, without using modded races and using the console, or becoming a lich first, you can't easily be a lich and a vampire. The mod author doesn't want that in his mod or something. Im sure the author though might be okay with someone putting up a patch if both mods are installed where if a player chooses, they can use that patch to make it to where they can be lich and just about anything else, for ease of playing the new mod.

As far as everything else I said about necromancy. My mind was to create a whole new tree of magic for Necromancy that has its own kinds of conjuration and stuff a bit, but have many different skills that Necromancers use. Including ways to do things like create potions of vampiracy and things like that. Of cursing people, bending souls and wills, bringing people from the dead, and summoning dark and twisted entities and creatures from the land of the dead to serve you, and other things like that. Im thinking epic attack spells of entropy that are green fire and things like that. They can't be overpowered however, about as strong as any mage, but they have a few spells in each type of skillset that Necromancy gives, and make it relatively balanced, I think. The Conjuration spells would require a human body, but if it were a special creature being summoned, you could watch the body rise then take on the form of the creatuere you summon as its spirit and will twist the flesh into its own form, and stuff like that. :3


I don't know what Necromancy in the lore would actually entail, but necromancers in just about any game have a number of specific things they can do.

  • Raise minions of the undead (skeletons and zombies) as well as summon twisted monsters that are the necromancer's own creation.
  • Curse and hex others to steal their life force, magicka, or make them sicken slowly
  • and then there is Crowd Control Skills which are used to cast fear on people/monsters, Confusion to make htem attack themselves or others (as if they are being driven mad), spells to slow people down, blind them, or things like that. And of course spells to make other undead or summoned creatures join your side and attack their masters. I've seen that in a videogame before.

    So out of that Necromancy could be maybe based. Damage Attacks, Curses or debilitating effects, and Crowd Control attacks that are good for large groups of mobs to control or divert the mobs to help yourself or others who are also attacking them stay alive longer.

Now in my perception, the questline and everything entails a whole guild or cult on its own, and it's not a companion quest per say, but you start out by joining this guild of necromancers because you desire to learn necromancy. You've heard of them recently and have acquired a taste to learn about this mysterious art one does not see often called Necromancy. It acts like a normal guild, but one that hides in the underworld and in various remote locations that would be custom built and awesome, not just some dingy cave. You do quests, learn specific rituals and summons, all custom made for the mod, and get to know the different menbers, but as you gain prestige in the guild and learn new skills, the quests get more serious until near the very end, you are close to discovering who this mysterious God who is like the dark version of Talos is, and how he plans to kill Arkay.


Throughout the mod, you would travel to major cities and places, and if possible if incorporated with a mod like "Beyond Skyrim" that makes the other regions like Cyrodill and Hammerfell when it's finished, then you could travel to major cities in other continents (maybe even free roam to other locations and things while there :o ) eventually and see the other members of your cult/guild and work with them to put plans into motion to ensure no one can stop you from bringing forth this mysterious God perhaps, or from destroying Arkay forever.

Some missions could entail helping a fellow member whose cover is almost blown ,or help him with an experiment, or gather something for him or whatever as well. Not all quests in these other regions you are sent to have to be about the final underlying plot.

On the alternate side, I imagine this mod would have a major choice one could make at just about any point, a secondary quest that states that you have come to the conclusion that these people are mad and you must stop them. This is something people could ignore completely in their quest journal, and when the Necromancer side of the quest is done, it disappears into failed/completed quests. OR if you don't want to help destroy Arkay, you could join to see what this is about, going undercover, and integrate with them for awhile until you can find their leaders, and do this other quest that leads to its own plotline of joining members of other societies who hear about this cult/guild and seek to stop them and destroy their God instead or something.


I think that would be awesome. :D

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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