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Instructions on porting FO3 files to FNV Needed


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I want to modify "That Gun" so that it fire the projectile from the "Alien Atomizer" from Mothershop Zeta.


I have basic G.E.C.K Skills but no idea how to port the necessary files from the ZETA.BSA to FNV.


Anyhelp would be much appreciated.

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There's no need to import any files over as the alien atomizer simply used the alien blaster projectile which is already in game.

Just load up the 'WeapNVThatGun' Go to the 'art and sound' tab and select the projectile Alien blaster projectile.

Also you may want to change the Impact data set to 'energyimpactbluedataset'


Hope this helped


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I've just looked at the FO3 files and checked with GECK.The projectile used in ZETA isn't present in the files and it simply uses the original projectile from the FO3 vanilla game.This is also the same as the projectile in FNV but with a different name.


Also getting files from FO3 to FNV isn't hard but im not sure you are allowed to do it a release a mod to the public with previous content *insert copyright s#*&#33; here* << because yeah.

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