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Fewer Radscorpions in the Wastes, Please!


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Hopefully this is a pretty simple thing to do. I'd like a mod that reduces the likelihood that you'll run into giant radscorpions in the wasteland (and albino radscorpions if you have broken steel).


I'm getting really REALLY tired of always encountering them. I also dread getting broken steel and having to deal with the albino versions. Radscorpions are such a nuisance to deal with and it doesn't help AT ALL that I've got a fear of insects/arachnids. Seeing their horrible beady eyes right in my face when I fail to notice them (sneaky buggers!) is too much for me. I'd rather face Deathclaws than them (this is not part of the request). I know there's a mod for making them friendly, but I want to see them less. I certain don't want to be friends with them.



I just want to roam the wasteland in peace fighting robots and deathclaws and mirelurks and enclave and boatflies and ANYTHING...ANYTHING other than those abominations (and centaurs...and feral ghouls)! So yeah, lower encounter rate for scorpions please.

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I doubt someone will make a mod like this. At all.



I was hoping it'd be a simple thing to do but by your reply I guess not. Alas, I'll have to endure until I figure it out myself. What is with the less-than-friendly response though? Did my initial post offend in some way?

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Oh, sorry. Did I sound offensive? I didn't mean to. I meant that this is a sort of request most modders would ignore. I mean, I requested a little gecko, and nobody made it even though many thought it was a good idea :(


Sorry again if I sounded less-than-friendly.

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Thank you Sykez! I'll try it out. I'll take ghouls over Radscorpions any day.



Oh, sorry. Did I sound offensive? I didn't mean to. I meant that this is a sort of request most modders would ignore. I mean, I requested a little gecko, and nobody made it even though many thought it was a good idea sad.gif


Sorry again if I sounded less-than-friendly.



Oh, sorry! I misread the tone of your post then. I read it as a "Why would anyone want to do this? This is stupid" type of thing instead of a warning. In truth I wasn't really expecting any replies anyways. My request isn't as interesting as most on these boards. :unsure:



Why does everyone say Rawr now?


Anyways, I think Nagaoka just wants Radscorpions removed, not everything...


I missed it at first, but there's a file for specifically replacing radscorpions. I can leave everything else untouched. Sykez said so in the post, but I completely glossed over it XD

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