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I need serious help with Oblivion Character Overhaul 2.

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I am seriously lost and have no idea how to install or work OCO2. I have been trying for hours and have gotten nowhere. I really, really need help.


I have uninstalled everything Oblivion related on my computer and am currently (30th March 2014; at 21:48 UTC+00:00) reinstalling it via steam. I had tried using Oblivion Mod Manager and Nexus Mod Manager separately and together, dowloaded files through NMM and manual downloads, and have had my resolve worn down to the ground. What I would like is a step by step walkthrough or simply just clear instructions on what I should do to get obse, blockhead and oco2 working together. I have absolutely no experience with modding so please talk to me as you would a five year old child. I realise this may be a big ask but I am extreemly desprate and need a hand.

:sad: I just want to play without potato heads...


If you don't want to waste time writing out a big guide just for me I implore you to respond in some helpful way. Pretty, pretty please with cherries on top!

Edited by LazyToothbrush
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First, considering where your Oblivion install situation is at right now, this is an ideal opportunity to get started on the right foot. If Steam and thus Oblivion is installed in C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files AND your operating system is Win 8, Win 7 or Vista then use the Oblivion reinstall procedure to get your Steam and thus Oblivion out from those UAC protected folders. The recommended location for Steam is C:\Games. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about how to move your Steam install location.


Once you get Steam installed in C:\Games and Oblivion re-installed in Steam install OBSE. You CAN NOT use Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) or Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to install OBSE. It is a manual install only, but it's simply a matter of downloading to a temporary folder, extracting the download and then following the instructions in the file OBSE_readme.txt (be sure to use the Steam install instructions).


After you get OBSE installed, install Blockhead. Again you can't use NMM or OBMM to install Blockhead ... manual install only. Download and extract, as with OBSE and then copy the extracted OBSE folder to your Oblivion\Data folder. When Blockhead is installed correctly you will have Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\Blockhead.dll (and after you first successfully run the gamne after installing Blockhead it will create the file Blockhead.ini in the Plugins folder).


Next install any body replacers you are going to use (not necessary if you just want to get OCO v2 installed and working ... can be taken care of later). Install OCO v2 using NMM and then any of the applicable optional texture compatibility addons.

Edited by Striker879
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Remember the closing scean of Return of the Jedi? Well thats whats going on in my head right now!!!


I had a bit of trouble getting the Steam folder to move so I just uninstalled it along with all my games and downloaded it again into C:\Games so that all worked fine. Your helpful and patient reply made me determined to get it right. Thank you so much, Striker879! You're a star! :laugh:


By the way, Blockhead works fine but I can't find "blockhead.ini" in the Plugins folder. It is just blockhead.dll. This doesn't appear to be a problem in terms of it working but the readme gave me the impression that settings could be changed. I assume that they are inconsequential for making it work right but even so, it is strange that I can't find it. Anyway, Thanks again! :blush:

Edited by LazyToothbrush
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The first time you run the game after installing Blockhead it should create Blockhead.ini in Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins. If you install OCO v2 and don't see the "Install Blockhead" face then Blockhead is working. Can't think of any reason it wouldn't create the INI (there's not really much you'd want to mess with in there anyway ... pretty sure I'm just at it's default settings, though perhaps I turned off the inventory idle, can't recall for certain).

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  • 3 years later...

The folder is either created when you install your first OBSE plugin, or you just create it yourself and put files inside.

As far as I recall there was none created last time I installed OBSE alone, but I don't recall creating it myself either, so one of the OBSE plugins I installed afterwards must have done it.


If you never installed an OBSE plugin (i.e. a DLL file to be put inside Data/OBSE/Plugins) so far, chances are good you don't have the folder, yet. But it doesn't mean a thing. Just create it yourself, if it's not contained inside the archive of the OBSE plugin you're trying to install.



edit: Oh, but take especial care it is the correct folder you're working with as well. People were putting their files wherever, claiming they did it correct, when they completely missed the mark. It must be inside your game's Data folder, Data/OBSE/Plugins, and nowhere else. Particularly because OBSE initially is only a set of DLLs and an obse_loader.exe to be put right into your game's main folder where the Oblivion.exe and the Launcher reside, chances are also good there is no OBSE folder present either. So if people talk of an OBSE folder and those they talk to don't have one, they might easily think they mean the folder where OBSE was installed to, which of course would be the wrong one, outside their Data folder.


*Scratch that last one. I had another look and recent releases of OBSE very well do have an OBSE folder inside the Data folder shipping with the archive. It contains an INI initially but no Plugins folder indeed.


And especially heed note when on Windows Vista or later and the game is installed at the default location, somewhere inside program files, as you will most likely fall victim to the UAC preventing any 3rd party (this means you and any tools) access to the folder and instead put the files somewhere into a VirtualStore folder inside your user folder. The Windows Explorer will then lie to you and show them where they should be, but the game won't be fooled and won't find them where they aren't. I don't even know if you can successfully do manual installs into these folders to begin with.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm fairly certain I set up OBSE correctly, as the Character Overhaul mod works, but for some reason despite the fact I installed Blockhead to the letter (plugged into right folder) only the Argonians, Khajit, and Nord, have the proper face textures. All other races have the dam install blockhead over their face. I have a Steam version of the game and put in Character Overhaul by converting it into a Omod and using via OBMM as per instructions given in the readme from the download provided via this site. I can't think of a single reason why this is happening.


The only mods I have on my OBMM are the Darniefied UI, the HGEC with BBB support and the NoMaam animation replacer, all of which I can't see any reason causing this because I installed the replacers for BODY and said mods have nothign to do with the face. Any Help would be appreciated.


Edit: I figured it out, my OBSE files needed to set up OBSE were in my data folder when they should be in the directory for Oblivion directly. It's weird because the UI mod that asks for OBSE to work seemed to function just fine when the OBSE.dll folders were in my data folder. Evidenly Blockhead is VERY picky.

Edited by ZenithZX
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