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Movables, Room Markers and Portals - Oh my...


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I'm having a little problem with movables and room markers + portals.


When I take a movable object out of the room marker it was spawned in and drop it in another room marker, it disappears. I have to walk right up to it and it will re-appear in the connected (by portal) room marker. When I step away from it (just a foot), it disappears. It will also re-appear by going back into the room marker it was spawned in and looking out at the previously invisible movable. Anyone know how to solve that?


In a nutshell: Take milkcrate from room marker A and drop it in room marker B and it vanishes. If I go back into A and look out into B, I can see the crate. As soon as I pass through the portal connecting A and B, items from room A in room B will vanish. As long as the crate from room A is in room A, it's always visible.


I tried persistent, ignored by sandbox, etc - nothing is working and it's driving me nuts.



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i have a little trouble following your story. When you say room marker do you mean interior cell? What do you mean by "When I take a movable object out of the room marker it was spawned in and drop it in another room marker..." Are these objects that you are placing or objects from mods or the vanilla game? Are you describing what happens while editing in the GECK, or playing the game? I'm not familiar with teleport portals that you can see though either, so do you mean doorway when you say portal? What exactly do you mean when you say that an object has spawned? Are you using a PlaceAtMe command?


I would need more clarification; specific places, objects and names that are used in the GECK might help.

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In a nutshell: Take milkcrate from room marker A and drop it in room marker B and it vanishes. If I go back into A and look out into B, I can see the crate. As soon as I pass through the portal connecting A and B, items from room A in room B will vanish. As long as the crate from room A is in room A, it's always visible.

This look like:

WARNING: Havok physics and the room markers do not play well together. Avoid placing Havokable objects near portals that they might be knocked through. [if an object is in, say, room A, then drawing of that object is restricted to people who are in room A, or who can see the object through a portal to room A. If the Havok engine causes the object to move (because the player picked it up with the Z key, or an explosion threw it) then the object will continue to be drawn so long as the object is in the motion under the control of the Havok system. However, once the object comes to rest, it is passed back to the normal renderer, and is once again drawn only for people in room A... even if it is now in room B. If you are in room B, with the object, it will be invisible to you.]

From the do and don't under General Advice for Optimization at http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsof...al_Optimization


Hope it helps you

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i have a little trouble following your story. When you say room marker do you mean interior cell? What do you mean by "When I take a movable object out of the room marker it was spawned in and drop it in another room marker..." Are these objects that you are placing or objects from mods or the vanilla game? Are you describing what happens while editing in the GECK, or playing the game? I'm not familiar with teleport portals that you can see though either, so do you mean doorway when you say portal? What exactly do you mean when you say that an object has spawned? Are you using a PlaceAtMe command?


I would need more clarification; specific places, objects and names that are used in the GECK might help.

Yes, it's an interior cell. I have a main lobby type room with smaller rooms (bar, bedroom, etc) connected to the main. Each room has it's own room marker and each room connects to the main using portals.


I placed the objects in the rooms using the geck (everything appears normal on the geck side of things), I'm not using the console to spawn them. I just meant the room they initially appear in when I load the map using coc. They are all vanilla objects (milk crate, drinking glass, glass pitcher, coffee mugs, etc).


This should explain the room markers and portals:


Using their tut as an example, if I place some movables in the vault area and carry them out into the cave area (passing through the portal), when I drop the object on the floor - it will vanish (it's still there but can not be seen). If I walk back into the vault area and look out into the cave area - I can see the object laying on the cave floor. As soon as I pass through the vault/cave portal - it becomes invisible again. If I walk right up to it - it will re-appear and I can grab it again and take it back into the vault area where it will never disappear (because it's in the room marker it was placed in using the geck).


In a nutshell: Take milkcrate from room marker A and drop it in room marker B and it vanishes. If I go back into A and look out into B, I can see the crate. As soon as I pass through the portal connecting A and B, items from room A in room B will vanish. As long as the crate from room A is in room A, it's always visible.

This look like:

WARNING: Havok physics and the room markers do not play well together. Avoid placing Havokable objects near portals that they might be knocked through. [if an object is in, say, room A, then drawing of that object is restricted to people who are in room A, or who can see the object through a portal to room A. If the Havok engine causes the object to move (because the player picked it up with the Z key, or an explosion threw it) then the object will continue to be drawn so long as the object is in the motion under the control of the Havok system. However, once the object comes to rest, it is passed back to the normal renderer, and is once again drawn only for people in room A... even if it is now in room B. If you are in room B, with the object, it will be invisible to you.]

From the do and don't under General Advice for Optimization at http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsof...al_Optimization


Hope it helps you

Well crap - that's exactly the problem. I can't believe I missed that bit :P


It even happens if you pick up the object (add to inventory instead of carry) and then drop it in another room marker - it will disappear.


Man, this means I have to choose between using movables or using room markers and portals - which really sucks. What to do, what to do :wallbash:


I greatly appreciate the help - this was driving me mad. At least I know I'm not nuts (at least in this scenario).



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I find on my relatively low-end card (7600 GT) that optimizations basically amounts to keeping the number of lighting effects down as much as possible and cranking up the ambient lighting as much as you can without noticeably killing what lighting you have. Room markers are not that big a deal.
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