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Can someone help me understand this script?


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There's the code. The spell moves the player close to whatever gets hit by the spell. What i don't understand is what is the purpose of the activator(PJActivatorSource)?


I made some slight modifications to the script and i was able to "teleport" slightly above the enemy, instead of directly next to it, by changing the line " set zp to act.getpos z " to " set zp to act.getpos z + 200 ". Does that mean that the activator moves to whoever gets hit by the spell and then drags me into them?


scn Charge

ref self
ref act

float xp
float xc
float yp
float yc
float zp
float zc

float angle
float angleoriginal
float anglecorrect
float sine
float cosine

float fact2
float fact3
float fact4
float fact5
float fact6
float fact7
float fact8
float fact9

float x2
float x3
float x4
float x5
float x6
float x7
float x8
float x9

float newx
float newy
float newz

float dummy

int done
int stagger

float d
float prevd

Begin ScriptEffectStart
set self to GetSelf
set act to self.placeatme PJActivatorSource 1,0,0

if (self != player && self.IsActor == 1 && self.getdistance player > 200 && self.getdistance player < 1300)
set angleoriginal to player.GetAngle z

if (angleoriginal >= 360)

set angleoriginal to angleoriginal - 360.0

set anglecorrect to angleoriginal

set angleoriginal to angleoriginal % 90

set angle to (angleoriginal / 57.29)

set fact2 to 2.0
set fact3 to 6.0
set fact4 to 24.0
set fact5 to 120.0
set fact6 to 720.0
set fact7 to 5040.0
set fact8 to 40320.0
set fact9 to 362880.0

set x2 to (angle * angle)
set x3 to (angle * angle * angle)
set x4 to (x2 * x2)
set x5 to (x2 * x3)
set x6 to (x3 * x3)
set x7 to (x3 * x4)
set x8 to (x4 * x4)
set x9 to (x5 * x4)

set sine to (angle - (x3 / fact3) + (x5 / fact5) - (x7 / fact7) + (x9 / fact9))
set cosine to (1.0 - (x2 / fact2) + (x4 / fact4) - (x6 / fact6) + (x8 / fact8))

set newx to sine * 1625 * GetSecondsPassed
set newy to cosine * 1625 * GetSecondsPassed

if (anglecorrect >= 270)
set dummy to newx
set newx to 0 - newy
set newy to dummy
elseif (anglecorrect >= 180)
set newx to 0 - newx
set newy to 0 - newy
elseif (anglecorrect >= 90)
set dummy to newy
set newy to 0 - newx
set newx to dummy

set xc to player.getpos x
set xp to act.getpos x
set yc to player.getpos y
set yp to act.getpos y
set zc to player.getpos z
set zp to act.getpos z

set newz to (zc - zp) / 20

set done to 0
set stagger to 0

set done to 1

set d to player.GetDistance act
set prevd to d

self.startcombat player


Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

set d to player.GetDistance act

if ((d > prevd + 20 || player.GetDistance act < 100) && done == 0)
set done to 1
self.removespell PJOverEncumber

if (player.GetDistance act < 300 && done == 0 && stagger == 0)
self.PlayGroup Stagger 1
set stagger to 1

if (self != player && self.IsActor == 1 && done != 1)

self.addspell PJOverEncumber
set xc to xc + newx
set yc to yc + newy

if ((newz < 0 && zc < zp) || (newz > 0 && zc > zp))
set zc to zc - newz

player.setpos x xc
player.setpos y yc
player.setpos z zc
self.TriggerHitShader 1


set prevd to d


Begin ScriptEffectFinish
self.removespell PJOverEncumber



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The hilarious thing is that I'm trying to understand his spells as well. THough I'm focusing on his whirlwind spell which I plant to alter and remake I just couldn't figure out how he started.




Have you tried removing it to see what happens? It's entirely possible that it's merely clutter (i.e. an idea he had tried that didn't work out quite right and he forgot to remove it), I've noticed that quite a bit of his stuff in the telekenesis download is very cluttered and hard to work through.


I'll look at this script a bit more myself if I come up with anything I'll update.

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And to finally answer you question, yes. Kind of. For the life of me I can't figure out why it's done this way... I'm currently reworking the script to clean it up quite a bit.


He simply placed an invisible object at the feet of whoever was targeted when you cast the spell, then used the location of that object to calculate where you should appear. Instead he could've simply calculated it from self... I think. If I'm right I'll post the way I rewrote the code. Another 15 minutes or so ;)

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Ok. Well I have it working, albiet not perfectly. I'm going to keep trying, but this is what I have so far. If you're any good at math and/or scripting feel free to point out any obvious errors. Right now it will teleport you close to your target, but I have't gotten it to face them yet. I also feel that you appear to close right now, but I'll keep tweaking.


EDIT: I've got it working almost completely. The only thing it doesn't do is position you directly behind the the target. In fact right now it feels kind of random, but that has to do with my math. I know what I need to do, but I was trying to take the lazy approach heehee


FINAL EDIT: It works perfectly now. Go figure I would put a plus sign when I needed a minus... I really gotta stop scripting at 4 AM >< At any rate you're welcome to copy and paste this code into your mod and modify whatever you need to. I've added some comments to help clear everything up (hopefully). Also, I've used several OBSE commands (as doing sine without it isn't worth the trouble), but it shouldn't be a big deal as 90% of people DLing mods will have it by now. Currently it does not initiate an attack at all, but that shouldn't be hard to impliment. If it wasn't 4 AM I'd do it myself. And it'd be nice to make sure you mantain your sneak bonus so this attack would give the damage bonus... I think that would involve setting yourself to invisible for the duration of the spell, which really should only ever be one, as any higher is pointless and will not do anything. Let me know if there's anything else I can do for ya, though it won't be until tomorrow :)


scn PJChargeOBSE

Ref Self

Short DoOnce

Float TargetX			;Used to store your target's location.
Float TargetY
Float TargetZ

Float MoveToX			;Used to store the location you will appear.
Float MoveToY
Float MoveToZ

Float PlayerAngle		;Used to store you're current heading
Float TargetAngle		;Used to determine which direction your target is facing and thus appear behind them
Float MoveToAngle 	;Used to cause you to face the enemy after teleporting

Begin ScriptEffectStart

Set Self to GetSelf		;Will store whatever the spell hit in the Ref Var Self

;A couple checks so that you can only teleport to an actor that is not yourself and that isn't too far away
If (Self.GetIsReference Player != 1 && Self.IsActor == 1 && Self.GetDistance Player < 1300)

;Storing the targets position
Set TargetX to Self.GetPos X
Set TargetY to Self.GetPos Y
Set TargetZ to Self.GetPos Z

;Storing the Targets Angle
Set TargetAngle to Self.GetAngle Z

;Calculates where you should appear to be behind the target 
;100 is the distance away from the target you will be and can be increased or decreased
Set MoveToX to TargetX  - 100 * Sin TargetAngle	
Set MoveToY to TargetY - 100 * Cos TargetAngle	
Set MoveToZ to TargetZ



Begin ScriptEffectUpdate

;A simple check so you don't teleport every frame for the duration of the effect
If (DoOnce == 0)

;Moves your character to the determined coordinates
Player.SetPos X MoveToX
Player.SetPos Y MoveToY
Player.SetPos Z MoveToZ

;Sets your current angle to a variable and calculates the angle you would need to face the target
Set PlayerAngle to Player.GetAngle Z
Set MoveToAngle to PlayerAngle + Player.GetHeadingAngle Self

;Sets your angle to be facing the target
Player.SetAngle Z MoveToAngle

;Ensures that this block of code is not repeated
Set DoOnce to 1


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I managed to appear near but not close to the enemy by changing the values of


set act to self.placeatme PJActivatorSource 1, 100, 0


the "1" is for one activator, the "100" is for placing the object 100 units(?) in front, "0" , of the enemy.


But I'll try your code in minute...




BTW is it just me, or is the webpage stretching to the right?

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Haha yes it is, and that's most likely my fault.


And while that original script will work, it uses placeatme which bloats saves, that and it's just plain messy. >.>


And yes units, I have no idea exactly what oblivion used, but I just call them units.


Check out my script, and I'll go try to unstretch the page haha


Edit: Yay it's unstretched now, sorry I made the stuff in my codebox too long >.> Now for my next quest - Understand, Upgrading, and Fixing his Telekenesis Whirlwind Spell.... Tomorrow.

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BTW is it just me, or is the webpage stretching to the right?

yep, I'm missing the end of each line too and I'm curious about it as I had to use similar math functions for a script I'm doing. Could you break into 2 the line that exceeds the page size, the one in your the code box in your first post? I'm not sure if that'd solve it but perhaps better trying before reporting it.


EDIT: Good that is solved. I'll take a look at this script

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