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Darwin Awards


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My attention was called to this site several years ago by a friend. We promptly had many, many laughs, then forgot about it. Having been reminded of it by the Wordl Stupidity Awards which Morgoth (I think) linked into a thread a while ago, I've found it aain, and am linking it here for your enjoyment.


Basically, it's a database of articles of people who have, like the banner says, benefited the gene pool by getting out of it. In hilarious ways. Perhaps it's bad form to laugh at the dead, but considering that such acts they record include five Ukrainian soldiers smoking around 92,000 live ammunition shells, I think we can safely ignore the ethical problems.


Feel free to vote your own winner of the Darwin Awards in this thread, and just general chat about some of the fantastic (but strangely understandable) imbecilic things people have done. Enjoy - http://www.darwinawards.com/

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Peregrine linked me to the Darwin Awards a few years ago, loved it.


I think my favourite is about this scumbag who figured he was a KUNG FU MASTER!!!! 'Cos his sensei told him that nobody would be able to beat him after learning his kung fu styles....not even wild animals!


So the git climbs into the zoo one night and challenges a male lion to a showdown.


All they found the next morning were two fists clutching some strands of fur.

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There's a similar one that I just read, a guy in America wanted to see if the bear he was looking at was male or female. So he promptly jumps the fence, sneaks up on the bear :ph34r: , and gives it a solid kick in the nethers :ohmy: The (male) bear turns around and subsequently mauled him to death. The moral of the story - for the love of God, don't kick a bear a 'tween the legs.

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My favourite has always been the woman who tried to feed her tamagotchi(?)while driving and drove off a cliff!

Hey Stampede, remember the Japanese tourist who got out of the car inside a lion enclosure, at a lion rehabilitation centre here and got mauled? think we can nominate?? :rolleyes:

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My favourite has to be the one about the woman who tried to dry her pet terrier dog by putting it in the microwave.


the dog exploded, and she tried to sue the company that made the microwave.


I believe that the same has also happened with people and their babies.

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