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Forum hates my keyboard.


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Well. When I type things in on the forums, sometimes it misses out letters. Its really annoying. At first I thought it was just my keyboard, but everything else I type stuff into doesnt have this problem.Why is that? Isit me or the forums?


Also, when I type, I cant see what Im typing until 30 seconds after Ive finished typing. That problem, coupled with the above problem, is VERY annoying and frustrating.


Yeah, thanks in advance.

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You might want to bring up Task Manager, go to the "Processes" tab and sort by CPU. There might be an application that is taking 100% of your CPU.


Even worse, it might be spyware that is attached to your browser...such as a browser helper object.


It is also possible that your RAM is maxed out and your web browser is pushing it over the edge (especially the longer the browser stays open, the more tabs you open, the more history that is recorded, etc.). This can also be seen in Task Manager under the Performance tab. Take a look at your Physical Memory Total and see if your computer is using more RAM than you have physically...which means it is full and swapping to the hard drive "swap file" which creates a very poor performing machine. In many cases, you will need to upgrade your RAM...unless you have a single application that is hogging all the resources above and beyond normal.


You also did not mention any kind of specs about your PC. You can get the very basics from right-clicking on "My Computer" and selecting Properties.


Operating System? Windows XP Pro 32-bit with Service Pack 3?

CPU: Intel Core2 @ 2.66 GHz

RAM: 3.25 GB




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Model: HP G60 Notebook PC




System Type: 32-bit operating system


Everything else was irrelevant.


My tast manager doesnt hae tabs... only the... tasks that are running.

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