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Plantaiton idea


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"Walking down the street you see slave dealers and tools for a plantation..... maybe you should look into buying a few slaves to work at your simple farm you bought to bring in some profit....... I got a nice small plantation going and the money coming in but the slaves are hungry i need to go buy some food........ My slaves are running away!!!! i need to hire people to gaurd my plantion and oversee the slaves, i will have to give them a paycheck though........ My slave chambers are to small i need to expand........ Nice, its all running smoothl, hey the twin lamps are causing trouble!!"


Maybe some thoughtd for a plantation mod and what u gotta do. You have to buy a small farm first and go up form there, you get tools to harvest your crops and all. you can do the work yourself but thats no fun and you most likey wont expand so u need slaves. you get money for your plantation and got to pay land tax(maybe) You got to have living quarters for your slaves and feed them and hire a slave overseer or else they will run off. Maybe you need to pay the overseer(s) montly or weekly. You might need to have your overseers trained for combat too cuse some anti slavery people might come along and start trouble. I am picturing this plantation to be around the vivec/suran area but if some1 thinks its better to go somewhere else tell me. I have no skills in modding cept for making really simple NPCs and weapons. I just thought this was a neat idea that could be done and i would like to see somebody act on it

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yeah sounds like a pretty good mod. i was thinking earlier that becoming a farmer might be cool as a change (i always liked the RPG harvest moon :P)
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