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Command your followers to clear out a dungeon.


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SO, I've got some mods that

A. let me have an army.

B. let me issue commands to said army.

C. be the mayor of a town. (RTS in skyrim in case you were wondering.)

D. create said army using taxes.


But, whenever I have to do anything, I have to be at the front lines.

that's no place for a general.

So, I was wondering if someone could make a spell (a spell seems to be the way to cause the least conflicts.)

to cause any followers you have to randomly patrol a certain radius around you? that way they could be the ones clearing the dungeon and risking their lives while you sit back and listen to the sounds of battle.

I know it has been done in one mercenary mod, But I would like to see a simpler version that can affect all followers.

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That would make them attack anything, yes, but only for a limited time.

I would prefer more control. The spell wouldn't be targeted or AOE, but a command that affects all followers. This way, you could have them patrol for as long as you need, and you would only need to activate the spell a second time to deactivate it. I assume the multiple follower mods have the spells required to summon them back.


in addition, the forces I usually field would require multiple fury spells to affect all of them.

Edited by Nexusaurus
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