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Surrendering enemies


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Is it possible for someone to make a mod where low morale enemies when bettered in combat, instead of fleeing and cowering in a corner they will surrender. Turning green to the player and kneel down with their hands on their heads offering a karma choice. Whether to speak to them and let them live or to execute them. I feel it would offer another dynamic to combat which an evil player could truly benefit from.
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that would be cool... and quite possible i think.



script that forces them to drop their weapons, play a 'hands raised up' animation, and give up when HP reaches a certain % for example. Yeah thats doable

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Yeah! :ninja: Or if you've got the drop on them, like if your in stealth. ^__^ Or if like 20 of there buddies die, maybe not necessarily health. I think it would also have to be like, Humans only though. Like the Traveller's Mod. ^__^ I've always thought it would be a good idea for a Raider Mod. Think you'd need a Prisoner Faction or something. I don't know, I am not huge on scripting. XD
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