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ODST armour request


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Soon after the new Halo ODST game came out and even a little before i have been looking for someone to make the armour from the game and put it in to oblivion


Heres what im looking for


1)Amour from the whole team Rookie,Dutch,Romeio,Buck,Dare


2)A moveable pod that can be used as a chair


3)Ammo packs that come with the charecters


4)If possibal a sparten laser model that can be used as a bow


this is for an upcomeing mod your help would be greatly appreciated thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...
And, like Kazazak said, don't bump. It puts modders off. Seen as rude. Not as rude as claiming that your idea is oh-so superior to everyone else's ideas. That's a sure-fire way to cheese people off.
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here are two images. i also want an odst armor (just the armor though)


u guys should give this guy a break, if YOU really want something badly, u guys wouldn't give up on it... RIGHT?! RIGHT!? yeah thats what i thought!...

i hope this request doesn't get shrugged off, like some of my other fallout 3 requests...

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twilight, a few things


1. why use text talk? cant YOU type two more letters?

2. this person submitted their request without picutres

3. this person bumped against the rules

4. the armor is complicated, and most good modders are busy

5. just because your mod ideas for fallout 3 have been shrugged doesnt mean this guy is right

6. there is already spartan armor for oblivion

7. noone will ever get all their requests made into mods



need I go on?

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  twilightblade said:
u guys should give this guy a break, if YOU really want something badly, u guys wouldn't give up on it... RIGHT?! RIGHT!? yeah thats what i thought!...

No, WRONG! I wouldn't break the rules, even for a mod I care about, because I actually RESPECT the Nexus, and follow its rules.

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