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Rileys rangers turned hostile


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Ok so i made my 2nd character a week or 2 ago,This time its a evil female.So I do rileys rangers quest successfully with no losses.That was the only time i visited thier HQ.I never shot at them or did anything to provoke them.I have been exploring alot and counted on the mapping contract to get more caps.So I go back to the compound and they are hostile towards me.Not only that only 2 rangers,including Riley was there.I do remember seeing Donovan out in the wasteland in some random encounter,I didnt shoot him but I saw him get mercd by super mutants then i reloaded a previous save.But i just want to know if Rileys Rangers get hostile later just because your evil.
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Breathe, man, breathe! Spaces after punctuation! /grammarnazi


That said, this quote from the wiki may explain things:

It is very hard, if not impossible to murder and loot one of the rangers without the others becoming hostile. A few players have reported killing Donovan in a random event and looting his corpse, but when the player returned to the Reilly's Rangers compound they were hostile. If other enemies kill Donovan near you, and you loot his body, the Rangers will become hostile even though you did not kill him yourself. (PS3 360 PC confirmed)
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