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Problems with hair mods


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I've downloaded some various hair mods, but I'm having some problems, including all mod hair styles only being put into the khajiit race (think all mods- babe hair is an example, texture showing up fine but is in the khajiit race hair), hair textures not showing, everything is just all black (Ren Soya KDs Hair Styles All in One) and hair styles not showing up at all in the character creator (I think, unless they've been put into a different race- the mod also put in new races), but making some characters in Oblivion bald (I forget the mod's name, but shows up in the Oblvion data files as MHE). I'm new to the mod world, so I don't really know anything, but I think I've followed the instructions. :unsure: I have OBSE, if that affects anything....
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(I forget the mod's name, but shows up in the Oblvion data files as MHE).

That sounds like my mod, Modified Hair & Eyes. I've stated explicitly in my readme that it is not compatible with other cosmetic and race mods. Most importantly this mod is not compatible with Beautiful People. It also uses the regular vanilla style eye mesh and is set to use an overwrite method for the eyes. If you want to use other race mods with it you've got to know what you're doing and if those other race mods attempt to add hair to ALL races and add eyes to ALL races, or if they keep the hair and eye choices to unique folders.


From the newest readme:


If you are new to mods, then you need to understand a couple of things when it comes to this mod (and similar mods).


1. Running this mod along with other cosmetic and race mods may cause googly eyes, missing eyes, unexpected hairstyles or baldness on your characters. This happens because these mods are all trying to alter the same things within your game, and they are essentially fighting for dominance. Some people may suggest altering your load order using Oblivion mod manager, but that doesn't fix the problem when one mod has partially overwritten the meshes or textures from another.


2. Think of cosmetic mods and race mods as one and the same, as in frequently they use or alter the same data. Therefore, if you try to install a race mod along with MHEv2.5 that was not designed to work with MHEv2.5, you will probably have some of the problems I mention above.


3. If you are not familiar with tweaking your mods in the CS, then you need to think carefully and decide carefully which cosmetic and race mods you want to use. Many mods can be made to behave well together, but often this requires merging all the races into the cosmetic mod, or other such editing in programs such as Wrye Bash.


4. Even when you are able to get a new race to work successfully alongside a cosmetic pack, you need to realize that without fully merging, this new race will not necessarily have the same eyes and hairs available to use as what is in the cosmetic pack. This is because hairs and eyes have to be assigned to each race individually, and manually by a modder. It doesn't happen automagically by installing the two mods side by side.


To summarize: This mod is NOT compatible with other cosmetic packs and may not be compatible with additional races, especially if they use ANY eye mesh other than the standard style or Capucine's standard style eye mesh.



This mod may conflict with some vampire mods which alter the attribute "iVampireAgingOffset" or add WaterBreathing to vampires.


This mod will conflict with other cosmetics mods unless it is merged with them.


This mod is not compatible with Ren's eyes or the Elaborate Eyes mesh.

This mod is not compatible with the eyes used in Idkrrr's race mods.


As far as I am aware, this mod should function fine with any mods which do not alter head/hair/race.


!!DO NOT try to use this mod with other cosmetics packs or other race packs unless you know what you're doing. Using more than one cosmetic pack at the same time is a known cause of character weirdness such as googly eyes, missing eyes, unexpected hairstyles or baldness.!!


It's possible to run another race mod along with this one, but just be aware that the hair and eyes from this mod will not show up on other races not in this pack.


Edit: I am aware that the new readme went offline for a few days. That was because I remodeled my site and accidentally removed the page. It's been fixed now.

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"That sounds like my mod, Modified Hair & Eyes. I've stated explicitly in my readme that it is not compatible with other cosmetic and race mods."


Oops. Yeah, I'm completely at fault there. :blush: That was the first hair/race mod I installed, and I forgot about the compatability issues. Although I do admit I had a good time seeing all the random bald people running around. ;D


I've deactivated all the other hair mods exept for babe hair, and the problem still remains that the hair is stuck in the khajiit race. Everything else is fine with it, works perfectly, though I would like to use the hair in another race besides khajiit. :smile: Unless, do I need to delete the other hair mod files from the Oblivion data folder?


Yes, I need OBSE for Curse of Hircine werewolf mod, I only download extra things like that when I need them. About the load order, I read the instructions and downloaded OBMM, and when I started it it put me in limited mode (said it could be caused by having vista). On the OBMM site it said I need NET.2.0, which then said I needed Windows Installer. I have a pc windows vista computer, I'm not sure if I need the Windows Installer. If it caused any problems with the computer, I'm not sure I have the knowledge to fix them. If the problem is that I have vista, I'll try to look into that, but because of the NET.2.0 possibility, I'm not sure. I'd prefer to be safe than sorry.


But, because of the fact I only have one hair mod active now, is the load order necessary?

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I've deactivated all the other hair mods exept for babe hair, and the problem still remains that the hair is stuck in the khajiit race.


Deactivating the esp does nothing to get rid of the conflicting meshes and textures. It's better to uninstall other cosmetic related mods. Some of the babe hair is already included with MHE so you shouldn't need it as a separate mod unless you just have to have that one hair that I excluded (because I knew who the Poser artist was who made it). There are other hairs in there by other people that are similar to the one not included.


Once you get rid of all other cosmetic or race mods in their entirety and make sure you're not running something that's been adapted for say, Beautiful People, you should be good to go. If it's too difficult to find what's been added by the other mods then just go ahead and deactivate or delete the extra cosmetic esp files and reinstall MHE over top of your current install so it can overwrite anything that's conflicting. Personally I recommend cleaning out your folders though. Saves trouble down the road. Also, make sure you are only using one of the MHE plugins. There's 6 to choose from.


If everything is OK except you just can't cycle through hairs, try disabling any added races. Sometimes loading those with MHE can cause the selection to become locked. One I know that causes a problem is Mannimarco Revisited.


Also the Khajiit do not have the same hairs enabled as do the human races. Hairs for human/elf races tend to float above the Khajiit's head. I set the mod to only use hairs on Khajiit if they didn't gap too much.

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Now I believe I've cleared out all the hair/eye/race mods out, and the mod is working wonderfully, but almost all textures (including khajiit wiskers, a few of the new races, almost all the hair exept for some rare exceptions and eyes, bloth glowing and non-glowing) are completely black. I don't think there's anything else wrong exept that.


BTW thanks for your help and patience with a clueless newbie. :D The mod looks great, so many choices!

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