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Wasteland Crimes "Recruiting and Plannings"


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Cool. I like the Illegal element of it, but I agree with ihoe. If we could add some more regulators, and/or some cop-like mecenarys you could make this seem realistic. Also, I've noticed some other mods that look like this would blend with. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=158983

The Talon company, are like evil, so they could also be in on the whole drug dealing. Adding them in, for there own base, then creating a volitaile, yet possible relationchip between the raiders/others, as you take over the crime scene. The mercs want money- you take there employers money, (as they will need reinforcements) then you get hurt. This could eve allow you to create a full-blown war between talon, and regulators. More random encounters with these guys fighting each other, and more drugs lying around the game will make this more realistic.

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I discovered i have cancer... and not much life time left... and passing the Project Lead To B16Enk

He will lead the the project and start to mod it... so, is there someone willing to help him sign up here or contact him by PM(Private Message)


I'm not joking about it

it is the worse way to die knowing your time.. so i will find a way to make my last 3 years enjoyable... not sit in this chair and wait day-to-day

Or i wait 2 years of traitment in hospital for a undertemined cure for the Painful heart cancer

:wallbash: nice isn't it

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Woah... oh my god, how horrible! Seriously!? :ohmy:


Heart cancer is extremely rare, are they sure it's not benign?

I don't know what to else to say apart from keep your head up

and fight it with all that you have...


I wouldn't be worrying about who is going to get this done, I

would be distraught.


Best wishes,



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Thanks RE, you're good friend y'know... but


<sigh>..... yeah maybe if i be trated well i can have more years... the cancer are very active.. so i don't have much hope y'know we are like Alpha and omega.... "We Live, We Die"


I just wanted to make my life worth y'know not have all my parents trying to hide it from me... my mother say i don't have to remeber it.. but is pain to wake everyday and remenber i won't live long.. no hope.... maybe die is not a bad at all..


hem i die i will make sure to pay a visit and grap your feets if that mod don't be maked :biggrin:


just Kiddin... well i going to the hospital now.. hope they have atleast somethig to give me more lifetime.

just enjoy a bit more..


Cancer is a strange thing... i in good shape.. healty, .. but now i don't really know... maybe i can survive maybe not... hope i can live more, to start a family, have a job.. all i wanted well...


back to world and back to South Dakota, Black Hills.... i don't wish to spend the rest of my life here in USA.. i planning go to Brazil... one south American Beachs.. Raise the Spirit



My friend B16Enk Just Created a File on Nexus to Start modding.. if somone wish to help him make this... ADD-ON for Owned,

PM him



Here is the LINK:



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Finally started! B16enk began the ADD-ON ... I know you guys,

want to see potential before joining the team .. else we can still promise :thumbsup:


at least the link is here:





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Are you thinking about any RTS mergers? (Don't know if this has already been posted.)


Yes, I was thinking about it. But unfortunately I forgot it, thanks for reminding me of this

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