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Mod Help! :D


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Hey guys, this might sound noob-ish but I am making my own mod.

Right now all it really consists of is a chopped-up outcast base from OA with the stasis field from Fort Constantine holding some special sneak armor.

Now, I'm having a couple of problems.

1. If I want to use the simulation pod, how can I make it usable w/o Neural suit? And how can I link the terminal to it so you have to beat the sim to open it?

2. The stasis field thing isnt working. I just copy/pasted the whole room from Fort Constantine and the whole "deactivate Stasis Field" doesnt do jack squat.

3. Why does the Chinese Stealth Armor rotate about a point like 3 feet behind it?

Also, so this isn't just a mash-up of vanilla stuff in a DLC room,


1. How do I get the models out of the GECK to edit them in Nifskope?

2. How do I skin?

3. Can I convert them to .obj files and use them in a different editor?


Thanks for all your help guys, I'm looking forward to becoming quite proficient in modding.


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as for the last 3:


1 - use the bsa unpacker utility (its on the nexus)

2 - get blender. get familliar with blender. check out some skinning tutorials. it can be daunting, but start to read the blender noob to pro wiki if you arent already set on using a different modeler

3 - you can import a nif into blender, then export it as an .obj from there. but not all data is retained (the mesh itself should be fine though)


hope that helps a bit

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for 1 and 2, go into Geck, to the bottom of the Object List. Click the 'All' button so it shows everything.


In the Filter box at the top, type things relevant to your question. ie. Neural, Simulation, Pod, etc.


The answer to question 1 lies in a script. Yes its possible. Just find the simulation pod script and try to cut and paste it into your own script, omitting anything about the neural suit, and/or have a look at the neural suit itself and see if its hooked up to any scripts. If so, duplicate it, unhook the scripts then save as a new version of the suit or something.


Before we can answer 2 we need to know more about what you speak of.2.

"The stasis field thing isnt working. "

what thing? a script? what are you trying to do here

"I just copy/pasted the whole room from Fort Constantine and the whole "deactivate Stasis Field" doesnt do jack squat."

Usually quests and complex gameplay dynamics have Scripts associated with them, and them alone. Duplicating the meshes will not hook up the old scripts to your new objects.

You have to search, do alot of investigating, find each and every script, spell, effect, addon and item that is associated with your desired effect, and Duplicate them, change the name, then incorporate it into your mod.

"3. Why does the Chinese Stealth Armor rotate about a point like 3 feet behind it?"

Please explain in more detail what you are trying to do.

Rotate the 'ground object' version of the armor mesh?

Rotate the mesh in nifskope?

in blender?

Rotate the mesh in the preview window? (if this is the case, try disabling the Ground plane, and it will orbit around the object properly> But since you didnt quite explain what your specific issue is im only guessing)

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Thanks for the response.

What I mean for the status field is making the terminal deactivate the status field around the armor.

As for the chinese armor, when placing the ground model theres a little yellow cross behind it and it rotates around that point instead of the center of the ground model. I figured out how to work with it, I was just curious as to why it does that.



I'll try what you suggested- I can't really access the GECK right now. I'll get back to you.

Anyway, thanks again for getting back to me. I was beginning to lose hope. :P

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hmmm sounds like as for the status field thing its also script related. All object effects, mechanics regarding terminals, toggling functions on items etc, thats all scripted and can be modified, removed or controlled! :) (in GECK)


The chinese armor probably has a bad pivot point. Is it vanilla armor that does that for you? I wonder why noone else mentioned it so far...


when you make meshes, if you dont put the mesh at the Origin (0,0,0) it will be offset. The origin acts as the pivot point (local coordinate origin that is).


So if someone exported it or modified it and moved it around (perhaps by Translation in nifskope perhaps) it might achieve this effect.

Usually though meshes have their own pivot, but if you manually move THAT one, (OR) parent a mesh to a bone node with a different pivot somewhere else) it will be overruled by its parent.

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Alright, I found the script for the field. It pretty much just makes the field and the collision mesh go away. However, I can't figure out how to make MY terminal deactivate MY stasis field. Just FYI, the script is



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all scripts only work on their own internally referenced entities.


all you need to do is create each and every element of a script you wish to adopt into your own mod, (that means, create every script, cell, spell effect, armor addon node, Note, message, everything that is involved in the process, create a new one of them, for you.


everything involved in your desired gameplay mechanic you must recreate (or duplicate and rename) then edit EVERY script/entity/effect in those, and make them reference eachother, only your new stuff.


a vanilla script will do NOTHING for your own mod unless its referencing YOUR stuff ;)


your job is to make it so it deals with your stuff! :)

(i adapted J3x's driveable chimera tank mod (which required Anchorage) and completely overhauled it and changed it to suit my needs, but first i had to recreate every single part of his mod (was about 30 independant items), then go through each one in turn and make sure they reference eachother, instead of OA and/or his mod. I wanted my mod to be a standalone, so thats what i had to do. Took me 2 days to rename everything, then go through and figure out how i could re-align all his scripts to now deal with the new ones i had made. In the end it worked great.

Ironically now this is not the way ill be doing my driveable vehicles, but it was a good lesson.

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