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Pls help me find a mod ! (essentials on/off)


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Can somebody please tell me a mod trough which i can change the state of my companions from essential to non-essencial and vice-versa trough the dialog menu? I had one years ago and i can't remember it, or find it. I have installed a bunch of mods like "Companion Sandbox mode", "Companion dress up", "Trade and hire", "Companion wait time 10000", "Home marker", "Unlimited Companions", "NCSS companion" and i can't find a option to alternate states so far :(

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So you want to make them flagged or unflagged if that is what it is called...Hmmm For fallout 3 there is a mod called essential followers: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/867/? Just ,makes them un-killable but there was a better one which done loads including this (Sorry forgot the name) There is a equivalent for more games like Skyrim and new vegas :smile: Sorry If it's not very helpful but there should be console commands that let you do what you want.

setessential BaseID #

# = Make NPC mortal (0) / immortal(1).

That one is for Skyrim I'm sure once again other games have equals. :smile:

Edited by SunnyDelight
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Use the F:NV Nexus' (not the forum) search function, with essential as the search word. There are plenty of mods which do that, though I don't know if any of them enable you to toggle essential state on/off via dialogue.


You can also use JIP CC&C, where there's an option to toggle it from the mod's MCM control-panel.

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