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Halloween Wishlist


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Hi, I'm a new member, Aranthril. So I've reeeeeeeeeeeeaaly been wanting some stuff for the upcoming Halloween, but I have no(I mean 0) knowledge of modeling & texturing. So here's some stuff i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllly want for halloween.



2.Vampire cape

3.Pumpkin armor http://www.stkp.com/pumpkinfemale.jpg

female version


Male version




Oh and any one who does make any of these YOU DESERVE A :thanks: !!!!!!!!!!!

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Looks like I'm not the only that plays AQWorlds or DragonFable... ;)

You can also use this mod:


it hads umpkins and scarecrows and Jack-O-Lanterns in several places like the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, its really funny.


Yep i play AQW&Dragonfable, and i got that mod, it adds a spooky feel.


Jackolantern helmet= CHECK!

Vampire cape= NO CHECK :(

Pumpkin armor= NO CHECK :(

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