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mod suggestion


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ive been looking for a mod that adds a shield idea that i really like, i really want to have a shield in my game that has a wolf sigil on it and i know the solitude shield has it but i just dont like it, i want an original shield that i can use for just myself and maybe my followers and guards. really would like to see this if you know of one or can make one please tell me i would really appreciate it.




Edited by BP98
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Could you put a pic of a sigil you like? and would you want the shield to be circular, towering, or one of those knight shields? (I am just getting into modeling and the like and think this would be interesting...)
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ok i will find a picture and i want the shield to be the same model as like the triforce shield from legend of zelda, i want it to be that shape sort of. like an almost diamond shape with a wolf sigil like from game of thrones but not that exact one. thx

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Could you put a pic of a sigil you like? and would you want the shield to be circular, towering, or one of those knight shields? (I am just getting into modeling and the like and think this would be interesting...)

actually if you could put my profile pic that's be great unless youre already working on the other pic then that ones good too but if not can you use the moon on my profile pic with the wolf sillhouette in front of it thx



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  • 2 weeks later...

cannot use it, i dont have photoshop and i dont want to download it but since i cant open the picture i posted a while back ill repost the wolf pic that i wanted


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