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Adding topic in new quest script


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Almost every command (like 'addTopic') expects some kind of data as a parameter (ie, if you try to add a Topic it will expect an editorID found among the topics list, addSpell will search within the spells list as seen in the CS, and so on), so whenever it says it doesn't find something as/for parameter it means either it's doesn't exist or it isn't the right kind of data. Make sure you created the topic, check that thesicknesstopic is it's Editor ID, close the topic box, and then it will be available.
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I find that when using the console, it almost always want the Hex Code of the object etc and it doesn't work otherwise. Maybe I just do something wrong but it's worth a try. Just go look at the topic and find the Form ID (which is the Hex Code).


It might be hard to find at first here's the best/quickest way:


In the dialogue menu under the topics tab find the topic you're looking for and select it.


At the very top of the selection box is a gray bar that says "Editor ID", if you hold your mouse at the very far right side of it you find out you can shrink it to the left. Do so and you'll see two lines close together, take the one on the right and drag it to the right and you should have the number you need.

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