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Chameleon Behavior

Harabec Weathers

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Alrighty so, heres my dilema/ idea.

Ive after working my way through the Shivering Isles quest line and gaining my Ring or Lordship for Dementia, I was like "Oh sweet!"

But I was dismayed to see that it has a chameleon effect.

I like the chameleon effect but only as a temporary spell. Its just not my taste that my ring of rulership should make me partially invisible all the time ya know. Its sorta annoying fighting partially invisible (lol I like to see my weapon and such haha)


So heres my idea. Is it possible to make the chameleon effect a triggered effect. Such if I were to equip an item with a constant effect chameleon effect, the chameleon effect would only activate upon entering sneak mode.

I.E. standing up straight Im fully visible, sneaking Im being made partially invisible by the chameleon effect.


Is this possible?


Preferably without the use of OBSE



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Short answer: Yes. Go get to it. :)



Somewhat longer answer: Basically the best way for you to do it would be to find that object in the CS, then figure out what enchant it has attached to it. Then go find the enchant and remove the chameleon effect, or rather, replace it with a script effect which would use the player.issneaking check to enable or disable the chameleon effect.


Here's the CS WIki page that explains the issneaking command.


Here's the CS Wiki page that list all the magic functions you may need to use.


You'll probably use the addfulleffectitem code to add the chameleon while you're sneaking, and the removentheffectitem to remove it when not sneaking.



All in all it's a simple request that for learning sake I suggest you do yourself. You might have to spend some headache time working out small syntax errors in the script, but all in all it's worth it.

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I realized that the addfulleffectitem is an OBSE command.


And... a little inspection and there's no workaround, you simply have to use OBSE for your request. Though most people have it already so it's almost a nonissue. I kinda think that if Oblivion ever got rereleased they would almost just package OBSE with it haha.

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You would need a quest script running in the background checking to see which items that you currently have equipped, have a chameleon effect and to save the spell and spell's power in a reference.


then you would activate that reference only while sneaking


begin gameMode

if (player.getEquipped TheChameleonEnchantedObject) && (player.isSneaking)
 setEnchantment YourChameleonReference player


Well that's the basic idea.

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