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Thief companion Constance

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by Grumpy and Emma


with Potion Handler by DinkumThinkum and bows by Zyndaar



Screenshots and further information: http://lovkullen.net/Emma/Constance.htm

Requires: Tribunal



She's unpredictable. She's unreliable. She's greedy. She's trouble.

As a companion, she is probably worth her weight in... scrap metal. On the other hand, she might be an amusing company. At least if you can stand a companion that love to chat your ears off, to drink your booze and to pick the pockets of your friends.


Constance, the woodelf thief, will be happy to follow you on your Morrowind adventures. And once she knows you better, she will let you play an important role in HER Morrowind adventures, too.


Please note! You don't have to play as a thief in order to enjoy Constance's company. It's entirely up to you how she will behave (OK... that was only partially true... As said above, she is definitely unpredictable and troublesome...)


You will find Constance outside Gnisis, to the north-west if you follow the road.

Anyway... hope you will enjoy her! We surely enjoyed working on her!


- Emma and Grumpy


Some of the features:


- Timed chats: every now and then, Constance will have new topics she wants to discuss with you. As time passes by, you will learn more about her background, her life in Morrowind, and some interesting skills she has that might be useful for both of you.

- Thief skills: right from start, Constance can help you to charm other npcs, and to pick their pockets. She can also help you to track down hostile animals, enchanted items and keys. Later on, her chats will reveil other skills as well.

- Extensive dialog. 248 pages of dialog, including chats, special greetings, storyline.

- Interaction with other npcs. Other npcs will be aware on Constance's presence and comment on her. She will also interact with other companions by Emma (Laura Craft, Lokken companions, Witchgirl companions, some Lost Heir companions, child companions).

- Class and race-based level system. Constance will always be at the same level as the player, but her skills and attributes are based on those for a female woodelf thief character.

- Enhanced movement script. Constance's movement script is an enhanced version of Grumpy's companion project ver 3.1.

- Several fighting options, including melee, marksman, mimic, stay out of fight. If she is ordered to use marksman, she will automatically switch to melee if engaged in close combat.

- Numerous traveling options,including recall to any exterior area, divine and almsivi intervention and several meeting-points.

- Telepathy amulet (based on the telepathy ring made by The Other Felix for Laura Craft Romance) which makes it possible for you to get in touch with her during battle and when you are separated.

- Potion sorter by DINKUMTHINKUM; whereas companion normally drinks all healing potions available during a battle (thanks to a Bethesda-bug), Constance will only drink one potion at the time, thanks to Dinkum Thinkum's potion handler. Limitation: this is only valid for MW-original potions; if you give her home-made potions, she will consume them at the same rate as other companions.

- VE-compatibility and compatibility with MadMax' Galleon, thanks to script fixes by PETER.

- Two beautiful bows by ZYNDAAR - one for Constance and one for you - are included in this mod. You'll have to play a while to get them, though, as they are part of Constance's own story.



-Compatibility with CdCooley's MWSE IT-mod

- levelscript is now compatible with VE, so that Constance will benefit from the VE-attributes when embraced.



- fixed glitch in the potion check system and a glitch in one of the later chats, removed an unused script

- corrected typos and grammar errors

- added lots of new dialog - mostly greetings

- Thieves Guild Members and Morrowind Children will now have their own responses in topic "a companion - Constance"

- Some extra interaction also with companions from Qarl's "The Underground", and further interaction with Emma's other companion npcs.

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  • 3 years later...
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Does anyone have an idea, why i get an error message with this mod activated?


Message: Expression Error Unable to find Cell id "Balmora, Milie Hastien:Fine Clothier" in Script 11AA_Inselascript 6.1.3.


Could this be caused by using an German Version of Morrowind?

Other English mods work fine, so i don`t know whats up.

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Does anyone have an idea, why i get an error message with this mod activated?


Message: Expression Error Unable to find Cell id "Balmora, Milie Hastien:Fine Clothier" in Script 11AA_Inselascript 6.1.3.


Could this be caused by using an German Version of Morrowind?

Other English mods work fine, so i don`t know whats up.



Yes, I do...


The error message is however not related to Constance, but to another mod of mine, Blades Quest: Prophecy of the Lost Heir. Insela belongs in that mod. And the error message is because you are using the German version, where the cell Millie Hastien: Fine Clothier has another name. It's really sad that so many mods are not playable with german and french versions because of this.


I think you are more than likely to have problems with the Constance mod as well, as some dialog entries are filtered for certain cells, and at least the cellnames of interior cells are different in the german version. I'm not sure how bad the problems will be - hopefully it shouldn't affect your gameplay.


Both Lost heir and Constance have been translated to french but as far as I know not to german. However, another mod of mine, The White Wolf of the Lokken mountain, has been translated into german by Magicflame.

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  • 5 months later...
I just downloaded this mod and it is REALLY awesome. Ussually companions are pretty lame in Morrowind but this one is really good. She actally responds to the quests you are doing and everything. This was definantly worth the download! Even for someone like the that doesn't like companions!
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Constance remains my favorite Morrowind companion of all time. I've played others I've greatly enjoyed, Julan and Jasmine, in particular. But Constance has the most quixotic, imaginative character writing, and it's the sort of thing I prize.


I've had the mod for years, but I'll probably download it from here just to give it a thumbs up rating.

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Thank you, both of you! :)


It's so good to hear that Constance is still bringing some enjoyment to your Morrowind worlds, and "helping" you with "a little of this, a little of that" :biggrin:


I'm sure she can get you an egg or 500 if you are hungry as well :whistling:


Grumpy and I had such fun creating her, and I think her "personality" is a mix of our worst sides.


I'd never play Morrowind without her, myself - Constance and Spot are the musthaves in my Morrowind-world (well, at higher levels Lokken as well, of course).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have given this file my endorsement.


I downloaded this years ago, when I was asking Emma as Fable2 about doing more mods. It remains, for me, the best companion mod ever made. Yes, there are several for Oblivion that have very extensive quest systems, and I really haven't played far into Vilja's quest---but there's something about Constance's pro-active approach to getting into trouble that's just a delight.


And for the record, I have yet to come across a mod by Emma that I haven't liked. This is simply the best, and one of the best around.



Hi Fable! :)


And thank you for the kind words about us - me and Constance.

For many reasons, she will always remain at the top of my list of companions as well - above all because it was the last mod Grumpy and I did together before he passed away, and we had so much fun figuring out how she should behave (or misbehave, rather...).

I have often been asked if I would like to continue to expand on her, but that will never happen. Simply because I want to keep her the way she was when Grumpy saw her - I don't want to change a thing.


But if I ever find time for it, I have a little 'cousin' of hers standing in Anvil, hoping to find an innocent player to bring into trouble. ;)


I hope you will enjoy Vilja as well - she doesn't have as many bad habits as Constance, but still quite a few... :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've downloaded this and Laura as well and both have a weird problem. They're both stuck in strange poses and their hands are moving as if they're walking but they can't actually move at all. Laura can perform her kiss (and remain in that pose) and teleport to Vivec's FQ plaza, but that seems to be it. Any idea what's going on?


Edit: seems to be fine now, probably because I reloaded the game (or maybe because I've finally fixed divine_domina_3 constantly complaining about one of it's masters having changed since the last save, but I doubt it). Anyway, I've also added the Domehouse mod and the dancer girl seem to have the similar problem, she can dance fine but otherwise is stuck in some dance-like pose, unable to walk.

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