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Thief companion Constance

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In response to post #23722224.

ijc1927 wrote: How do you know what items she will wear and use? I have given her Maras Blouse and skirt, but she wont wear the blouse but she will wear the skirt, I have also given her constant effect items but am not sure if she is wearing them. She also does not take potions herself, but when we speak after battle she says she needs potions and waits for me to tell her to take one?
Any advice would be appreciated, this is my first companion in Morrowind, and i have to say i really like her so far. It seems such a well put together mod, but i wouldn't expect any less from Emma to be honest, she is the master of it after all ;)

She'll pick the items she wear 1) after what will protect her best and 2) the one that has the highest clothing value. So if she wears the skirt but not the blouse, it probably means that she has a better blouse in her inventory. Remove what she is wearing, and she'll wear something else, hopefully the Mara Blouse.
She'll prefer light armor to heavy armor as her light armor skill is higher (offers better protection).

If she has vanilla healing potions in her inventory, she will use them during battle, without that you notice. But at least at the time when we - Grumpy and I - made her, there was no way to make her recognize potions that the player had made.

I'm glad that you like her :). I think at the time when she was made, she was kind of a "new generation" of companion mods. But, today I am sure she must have been surpassed by many other companions for Morrowind. Grumpy died shortly after the release of Constance. I then made the decision not to continue on her; I wanted her to remain the same mod as he and I made together. :)
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In response to post #23722224. #25024719 is also a reply to the same post.

ijc1927 wrote: How do you know what items she will wear and use? I have given her Maras Blouse and skirt, but she wont wear the blouse but she will wear the skirt, I have also given her constant effect items but am not sure if she is wearing them. She also does not take potions herself, but when we speak after battle she says she needs potions and waits for me to tell her to take one?
Any advice would be appreciated, this is my first companion in Morrowind, and i have to say i really like her so far. It seems such a well put together mod, but i wouldn't expect any less from Emma to be honest, she is the master of it after all ;)
Emma wrote: She'll pick the items she wear 1) after what will protect her best and 2) the one that has the highest clothing value. So if she wears the skirt but not the blouse, it probably means that she has a better blouse in her inventory. Remove what she is wearing, and she'll wear something else, hopefully the Mara Blouse.
She'll prefer light armor to heavy armor as her light armor skill is higher (offers better protection).

If she has vanilla healing potions in her inventory, she will use them during battle, without that you notice. But at least at the time when we - Grumpy and I - made her, there was no way to make her recognize potions that the player had made.

I'm glad that you like her :). I think at the time when she was made, she was kind of a "new generation" of companion mods. But, today I am sure she must have been surpassed by many other companions for Morrowind. Grumpy died shortly after the release of Constance. I then made the decision not to continue on her; I wanted her to remain the same mod as he and I made together. :)

Hi Emma, Thanks for the reply ;)
I have tried what you have suggested but still no luck on the clothing, and she only has the blouse in her inventory. I have always made sure she only has original potions in her inventory as well, but she still wont use them in battle.

The only thing i have changed about the potions is the icon changing option in the Code Patch, could this somehow be an issue? Although i would not think so to be honest?

I have to say that she is one of the most comical companions i have ever used in any game,lol, and definitely adds to the adventures around Vvardenfell, so will continue to use her no matter what ;) ( And she is in light armour ;) )

Thanks Edited by ijc1927
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  • 3 weeks later...

I played TES games for a decade but I never wanted to use companion mods, even more if they had romance options. I thought it would be distracting and immersion breaking.


And then I decided to try out Emma's Vilja for Oblivion just because I needed something fresh for my 6th playthrough. And I absolutely ADORED everything about her, especially the VA and her clever AI.


So when I restarted Morrowind, I decided to try out Emma's Laura Craft but while putting together mods for my playthrough I found Constance. A gorgeous non-romanceable pita thief companion? DEAL!


She has accompanied me for 3 levels now and I absolutely love how picky she is when it comes to healing potions or how she occasionally picks some loot for herself (so far she had no objections of giving it back though). And she's a good fighter too.


Some hints for Constance:

1. So far I encountered no incompatibilities with Morrowind Rebirth.

2. You don't get her "Telepathy Amulet" from the start. It takes a little playing time for her to trust you enough to even tell you she's got one (I thought I was missing it and called it with a console command but getting a second one didn't break the game either).

3. Don't rely on her "Stay out of Combat" option too much when in the water. Aquatic creatures can gang up on her and Constance often won't follow you when you're saving yourself onto dry land but die a heroic death instead (or waste a good potion during the fight).

Edited by thestoryteller01
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  • 4 months later...
In response to post #25533934.

thestoryteller01 wrote: I played TES games for a decade but I never wanted to use companion mods, even more if they had romance options. I thought it would be distracting and immersion breaking.

And then I decided to try out Emma's Vilja for Oblivion just because I needed something fresh for my 6th playthrough. And I absolutely ADORED everything about her, especially the VA and her clever AI.

So when I restarted Morrowind, I decided to try out Emma's Laura Craft but while putting together mods for my playthrough I found Constance. A gorgeous non-romanceable pita thief companion? DEAL!

She has accompanied me for 3 levels now and I absolutely love how picky she is when it comes to healing potions or how she occasionally picks some loot for herself (so far she had no objections of giving it back though). And she's a good fighter too.

Some hints for Constance:
1. So far I encountered no incompatibilities with Morrowind Rebirth.
2. You don't get her "Telepathy Amulet" from the start. It takes a little playing time for her to trust you enough to even tell you she's got one (I thought I was missing it and called it with a console command but getting a second one didn't break the game either).
3. Don't rely on her "Stay out of Combat" option too much when in the water. Aquatic creatures can gang up on her and Constance often won't follow you when you're saving yourself onto dry land but die a heroic death instead (or waste a good potion during the fight).

storyteller, you forgot the most important combat difference of Constance - her Marksman skill! I've used another morrowind companion that had a higher stat number but without the advanced AI and wound up with more arrows in me than the foes. The first time I used constance she dropped a bandit in less than three shots and I wasn't hit once and this was at level 2! For optimum results give her a crossbow (Preferably the Dwarven variety) and plenty of bolts and you'll be ready to face the end game with confidence.
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  • 3 weeks later...


I have a list of essential mods whenever I play Morrowind and yours

are always top of my list - especially your companions. Thank you

[and Grumpy] so much for providing such an entertaining companion

in Constance and I think it's about time I tried out Laura - I also have

Beryl, who is the strong silent type :-). They invariably get me out of

many a sticky situation, especially early on in the game. As we go through

the game I always make sure to protect them at all costs by giving them

the best enchantments, weapons and armour - nothing is too good for

my gals :-).

Edited by davidtcooper
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  • 4 weeks later...



you got in your readme to post a notice for changes : )


https://forum.openmw.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3236#p36042 patching constance to openmw compatible (contains only patched parts) and tragging engine / mod bugs as going.


i need to do tests in couple / several cases so it's wip by major margin and basically don't know exactly yet which are which and so only as notice.


that patch deals with addtopics missing " " around -spell and -magicka in one topic and couple of other minor bugs for now which are passed in vanilla engine. can make later (possibly moths if compile errors are included) separate patches for vanilla and openmw if needed when the hosting place starts to be more clear


good modding

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  • 8 months later...
great mod! Constance is a blast. just started with her yesterday but already i can see the love and dedication you put into making her. the story and dialogue is great as a character she is really well fleshed-out. and you managed to find a very good balance for making her helpful but not OP
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  • 2 months later...
In response to post #41419450.

Papatan91 wrote: great mod! Constance is a blast. just started with her yesterday but already i can see the love and dedication you put into making her. the story and dialogue is great as a character she is really well fleshed-out. and you managed to find a very good balance for making her helpful but not OP

i cannot get mod to show up when i open game and click data files to ativate it:(
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