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Thief companion Constance

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In response to post #96078688. #97153783, #97163258 are all replies on the same post.

mattell4 wrote: Can anyone help me I think Constance is bugged for me. Im having the chat with her where she asks "do you remember I told you about that Wyrnreth family back in wayrest" and I know that after you click through all the options she is supposed to cast the paralyze spell on you and it unlocks magic options for her but im not sure why i cannot get that to actually happen. The chat never ends with the goodbye option and the spell is never cast so magic isnt unlocked. I had a look in the creation kit and i see its supposed to advance my chatcount to 6 and add magic and spell topics but none of that happens. Any one know what i can do?  Im using OpenMW if that matters
lwolv wrote: Hopefully, this got resolved soon. I got the same issue here. If, there's anyone who notice that is
eddie5 wrote: Assuming you're (both) on OpenMW Get the txt file from here, rename it without the .TXT, and load it after const1_0.esp.

it just doesn't work

I put this omwaddon file in the same folder where "Thief companion Constance" is, edited openmw config and then nothing. I even set up a patch subfolder and it still can't see.
data = "C: / games / OpenMWMods / mods / Thief companion Constance"
data = "C: / games / OpenMWMods / mods / Thief companion Constance / patch Constance"
"content = constance1_0.esp
content = constance12patchopenmw.omwaddon "
What to do? Basically I use modorganizer and I have no problems with esp.
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Shortly after meeting Constance near Gnisis, I had to use Recall (to an outdoors area) and triggered Companion Teleport dialogue, when I chose to summon all companions, she was not among them. I talked to a Nord in Gnisis and he said my friend was going to trade Ebony with a Nord in Seyda Neen, so I went there and couldn't find her. What should I do?
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