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What's your main characters level?

Master Marksman

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I'm level 56. Full maxed attributes, full maxed skills, and my majors are 100+. I run faster than everything else in the game, my mid-air manouevarability is like on ground. I can carry more loot than Santa Claus.


Unfortunately, this results in everything else being comparitably level 56. Rats and mudcrabs are less than fine, but trolls, ogres and even will-o-wisps take too long to kill it cuts enjoyability.


I created this topic to see what resorts players make to compensate for the late game skills of the game crippling the late game challenges. I guess it would come down to one of the following:


  1. Giving yourself competitive weapons and armors (one that is 'levelled to your level),
  2. Giving yourself a 'god' classfied weapon and/or armor and laughing at the opposition,
  3. Getting a mod that modified the caps on the game to extend levelling,
  4. Getting a mod that modifies enemies to be more appropriate or 'dulled',
  5. Not levelling past the peak attributes.

Just put down your level, what you've done, or what yo'd like done.

(If your less than level 20, I don't think you'd know what i'm talking about)

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Well, my most powerful charater is at level 36 right now. The option 1 and 5 fit in my case. The number 5 is just becouse i started to RP and leveling up my magic skills instead of my major figting skills. I RP it as a tired paladin/warrior who discovered the arts of magic and decided to devote his life to it....nothing special but it is a good escuse to be the arch mage and the leader of the fighter's guild :)
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  1. Giving yourself competitive weapons and armors (one that is 'levelled to your level),
  2. Giving yourself a 'god' classfied weapon and/or armor and laughing at the opposition,
  3. Getting a mod that modified the caps on the game to extend levelling,
  4. Getting a mod that modifies enemies to be more appropriate or 'dulled',
  5. Not levelling past the peak attributes.

Just put down your level, what you've done, or what yo'd like done.

(If your less than level 20, I don't think you'd know what i'm talking about)




With my first character who I leveled into the 70s I got Ely's Uncapper. It's a mainstay standard in my game now. I don't have any high ranking characters at the moment, I have three that are in the teens, but I do strategize the leveling system. That's why I've been uncomfortable to try any of the leveling overhauls, then I'd have to get used to a whole new system. It just seems more inconvenient to screw around with it. For those really pesky and difficult enemies, a good invisibility cloak can help out. All my new characters are very new, my first character I had for a year and over 700 hours of gameplay. I'd have to check my old save files, but I invested a LOT of time in her, and we did nearly every quest in the game, but not all! :D


Edit: Hey there she is! in my siggy. She did have some nice weapons too. I was already past level 55 when I went to ShivIsles and got my two favorite leveled weapons of the game. That reminds me I forgot to advise a friend not to go to SI until he's high enough to get those best weapons at a decent level, those rewards are indeed the nicest ones from Beth and trump most of the stuff you can download, if leveled appropriately.

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Get FCOM. With it, most things aren't leveled.


My highest "Legit" character is a level 53 (High Elf) mage, it was a bit to easy to level though, since all I had to do was walk around casting the same spell over and over :), but my overall highest leveled character is a level 1100 or so Dark Elf ( Assassin, Yes I cheated :) )

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I use Uncapper too, I love it. But, my main Flyte is 67, then I have three more, two of them in the 20s and the last on is just a lowly tester (Lowly meaning I cheated to make him 254, heh). Flyte (All around Mage) destroys all that dares stand in his path, one of the level 20s (Conjurer) gets annihilated a lot (But luck I guess, or maybe I should buy him a few more spells) the other 20 (Thief) something is the one I've been playing the most because of him having a fair challenge.


Edit: I forgot that I have an Xbox, haha. My character on there is a maxed out level 40 or 50 something.

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playing on my 360 at mo as im in the process of building a new tower specifically to run an all powerful as graphically enhanced oblivion i can. lol


my xbox character is at level 63 at the mo, i agree with master marksman playing vanilla in high levels isnt fun, especially as a khajit with max magicka of 250 so cant really make any all masterful spells lol.

Waiting to start a new character on tower, just finishing main quest with my current character, left to last after all guilds, arena and dlc, not sure why just cus i wanted loads of oblivion gates and sigil stones, didnt enter my first oblivion gate till level 32 lol, SI at 35

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mine's 19 currently, I RP a lot so I don't level too much but I just started using Oblivion XP and Fran's Leveled Items and Creatures mod for a new twist, and I'm liking it quite much. I'm enjoying going and raiding dungeons now :D
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