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How do you all put up with this game?


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Dunno why youre getting mad crashes, I dont.


Ive gone weekends where I played i literally ALL day and had maybe one or two crashes. A little annoying but nothing rant worthy.

The only things I get are companions getting stuck in combat, a slight VATS delay when I enter it, and the occasional rubber band man (kill a guy and his body flips out and starts flying all over the place).


Other than that Id say Beth has done a fantastic job of fixing the game, yea there were a few rough spots but Ive never had a gamebreaker or anything catastrophic like what youre describing.


If its really that bad, move on dude.


Also like it was mentioned earlier, mods can play a HUGE part in game stability. Some can imprive it, others can destroy it. I had a mod, that was causing random but crippling reduction in FPS. Totally random too, Id be running and my FPS would drop from like 40 to 4. I exit the game, re-enter it and it was fine for a while.


My suggestion

A) Move on to another

B) FULLY uninstall, defrag youre hard drive, restart youre computer. Re-install, defrag your hardrive, download latest patch, defrag. Dont install any mods yet. Try the game out.

Also make sure EVERYTHING in youre system is up to snuff. I.E. video card, RAM, processor, etc etc.

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I agree with the OP. I have a very high end machine bought off the shelf not a home made Frankenstein. I've checked all my drivers, ini files and every other thing suggested on this site and others and I still get regular and constant CTDS, freezes, stuttering and every other kind of problem. From what I've read this is not an uncommon occurance, but more the norm. I have never played Oblivian but I hear the same about that game as well. This seems to be more of a problem with Bethesda Softworks than this one game. I have to say, I will be very dubiuos in the future when it comes to the purchase of a game from this company. I buy and play a lot of games, some with higher requirements than FO3 and never have any problems. Bethesda needs to do a better job bug checking and dealing with problems once a game is put out. I'm sure they have lost numerous customers.
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@Tony: You are teh luckiest SOB on earth, tell me what type of PC you have so I can buy one.

@Nagaoka: Yeah thats why i started playing the PC version, so I could console fix. That doesnt help corrupt installs.

@mooncarver: Beth forum admins told me to do a clean boot and disable my modem in Bios, download older versions of my video drivers which i refuse to do and turn off autosave. I already dont use autosave. No option to turn off my modem in Bios, im going to try this clean boot. If that doesnt work Ill ask you guys.

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The last two playthroughs were on a

Dell Studio XPS

6 Gigs Ram

ATI Radeon HD 4800


I have Fallout saved in a folder drirectly on my hardrive, not in the Program Files if you think that it makes any difference.


And the computer was pretty much brand new when Fallout came out


I didn't install any mods at all, or Games for Windows Live, or any Patches untill after my second playthrough on PC


I make it a habbit to keep my computer as streamlined as possible, I mostly just use it for Photoshop and 3Ds Max, even now I only have two games installed (Fallout 3 and Civilization IV)



and then the first two playthroughs were on an Xbox 360




After I started adding in mods the game crashed a few times, but still nothing gamebreaking (exept when I put in a custom race and forgot to set the preset faces... but that was all my fault...)




I don't know if any of that will be usefull at all to you, but good luck anyways

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Well, Fallout 3 certainly isn't the most stable game out there, but I've never had gamebreaking bugs like that myself. It does freeze or crash on occasion, but the rate is the same as most games I have.

Earlier, however, the crashes happened all the time. There weren't exactly that many bugs, but it sure crashed alot. Always out of thin air and, of course, as far away from a convenient savepoint as possible. I traced it down to the infamous mod-breaker patch, though. Once I had reinstalled the game and rolled without the stupid patch (What were they THINKING?!) it worked great again. I suppose you're just having ungodly amounts of bad luck, really. I can't imagine what could cause all those bugs. I sure hope things get better in the future for you.


Now, according to an earlier poster, I'm now either a fanboy or a Bethesda-employee. But, obviously, that's complete rubbish. I am please to report that there are working editions of Fallout 3 out there after all. :thumbsup:

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Ive been going back and forth between legitimate game and modded hacked game, im finding the game to work a whole lot better with the Jessi mod, Kelsey, Mini Hideout, Megaton House expansion, Terminal and All Perks Unlocked mods. Havnt had a crash other than when shooting at my megaton house or looking directly into the bathtub. First one makes sence if the game has messed up collision data on the modded house, second makes sense if the object code or whatever is the same as another object code in some other mod which I think i proved when I made two similar weapon mods with the same item code, looking at either caused a freeze and CTD.


But then again I was modding when i made it to the Enclave HQ.


But then again my game saves DID corrupt that playthrough...


But then again thats the FARTHEST I have made it without a game breaker...


I did reinstall twice, complete with defrags and all that jazz, it doesnt seem to play stable till i add FOMM and FOSE and some mods. I wonder if its the script extender? Anyways I cant reinstall again someone stole my disc.

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Almost every major CTD issue I've had was my fault (points to signature). Every one of the issues I had was fixable and since applying such fixes, the game crashes and freezes a lot less.


How many who are having problems, I wonder, bother using FO3Edit to resolve mod conflicts BEFORE starting to play? How many ran FO3Edit in Master Update mode? I didn't and suffered horribly. I'm now a fervent supporter of this utility.


I don't use FOSE or those mods that rely on its functionality, in my case it causes an immediate CTD.


So now I crash on occasion, but it's usually after an extended length of play. From the school of hard knocks ... read the forums, guides, etc. that are readily available and you are more likely to have good karma in-game :)

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The Unofficial Fallout 3 Patches are pretty invaluable, but I've gotta say I've never had problems as bad as the OP. Most of my really bad crashes have come from mod incompatibilities.


For anyone having problems, I suggest downloading the latest Official patches, then the latest Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. Updating all your hardware drivers never hurts, either.

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