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How do you all put up with this game?


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Actually, Bethesda is owned by Zenimax ... so they are answerable now to "higher ups" in the corporate food chain. Not that it excuses anything.


I've had more than my share of lack of support and timely bug fixes from Bethesda, so I'm empathetic to the issue. It's Bethesda's biggest failing IMO. Thankfully, there's a great Oblivion and Fallout community to pick up the slack.

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"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories."

- Sun Tzu, The Art of War :closedeyes: .


Now, let me change and put some words like this


"Know thy computer, know thy mods, and know thy technic capabillity. A thousand starting play, a thousand victories smile."

-L0n3llyw0lf, The FO3 Veteran :whistling: .


And last but not least, "Don't ever give up to fix it if u found something wrong with u play." As long as u never give up u can found The Way to play FO3. Honestly, i more enjoyed when i found bugs, CTD, or something wich need to fix.


If u find bugs or crash i give u advice here.


- Step 1. Make fresh instal from beginning, don't forget to check min requerement for runs this game first. If u fell u computer have enough capacity for that, so next step is instal FO3 in u computer.


- Step 2. Patch u FO3 with the last patch from Bethesda, its Patch V 1.7 for now. Then upload all of basic Mods (must do it) like:

a. FOMM (Fallout Modify Manager)


c. Geck


- Step 3. Looking for mods, before upload any mods make sure u always make backup Data from u FO3 for save play (so when u got crashed and can't open to fix it u can shout "Halleuva" :) ) and don't be lazy to read any mods instruction there carefully. If u dind't found any problem like conflict or crash u can upload it. Don't embrassed to ask authors or modders from the mods if u find something wrong.


- Step 4. Sometimes some of mods is still WIP or Alpha Version offcourse there will be one or three bugs added.

Some mods can be conflict one with another especially if u upload simmiliar mods type at same time, if this happen u must more selective and made decision which one u want to used. Always check to run and test u play with new Mods for hours.

If u Mods need to fix find it there are tons of fix Mods in nexus gladly our modder fully responsible about their mods, if u can't find it ask the author and report any problem u've got and wait calmly don't forget to pray for God when u at limit to waiting :) .


-Step 5. Upstanding guys, if u success and make it runs smoothly make applause for u self and u computer :D .



Good Speed :) .

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Thats all great wolfy-man but


Lets say someone doesnt know the techy stuff I know. A casual gamer who just wants to play the game that his friends are talking about.


Lets say, no mods, no GECK or FOSE or FOMM because this person is just wanting to enjoy the game as it was made.


Hell lets say on a console, because thats where I had the problem mentioned about 3 posts back.


Lets say this imaginary person saved up some money to go out and buy this game. Saved up the 50 bucks it cost and bought it, took it home, really got into it, got to where I got and found himself in the same situation.


This is the sad part people. He tries a few times, checks the instruction manual, maybe even goes as far as to email Beth tech support. But the casual gamer that makes up most of the gaming community doesnt know anything about the Console or mods or anything like that. Even if he did it wouldnt help, hes using his 360. So he gives up. Throws the game in some drawer somewhere to collect dust till some future day when his children might pull it out and use it as a frisbee.


Bethesda wins, they get their 50 bucks times the million people in this or a similar situation. This man and the others like him got boned. And most of them wont even speak up about it so it never even gets back to Beth. What do you say about that?

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Precisely why I don't play on a console. You are at the mercy of the game company to release patches and their often-shoddy customer service to solve your problems.


With the PC version, many games (such as Oblivion and Fallout3) are highly customizable. They have avid followers that post in places like this. They find answers to problems. The game ends up working despite any inherent flaws.


Besides, I've yet to see a console that runs IBM WebSphere Application Developer, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or any of a bunch of other useful things. They're all a waste of money as far as I'm concerned. Multi-functional = good IMO. So console gamers don't garner a lot of sympathy from me :happy: ... it might sound cold-hearted, but you really do get what you pay for.

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Right on all accounts, but ive played on consoles all my life and never found a "Game stopping crash." The only issues ive ever had with any conslole ever were either my fault, my bad for using a Gameshark or problems with an unclean disc. On the other hand, ive never played a PC game without some type of issue, lag like a SOB or something i dont like being installed on my PC. (Thank you fallout for your outdated versions of both .Net Framework and Microsoft Visual C++,) So it kind of depends on if you have the ability to even do these kinds of things. Hell my friend Alex keeps getting me to fix his PC games because he doesnt have the tech smarts to do some of these things.If it wasnt for me he wouldnt even be able to RUN Fallout 3 on his PC.
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Precisely why I don't play on a console. You are at the mercy of the game company to release patches and their often-shoddy customer service to solve your problems.


With the PC version, many games (such as Oblivion and Fallout3) are highly customizable. They have avid followers that post in places like this. They find answers to problems. The game ends up working despite any inherent flaws.


Besides, I've yet to see a console that runs IBM WebSphere Application Developer, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or any of a bunch of other useful things. They're all a waste of money as far as I'm concerned. Multi-functional = good IMO. So console gamers don't garner a lot of sympathy from me :happy: ... it might sound cold-hearted, but you really do get what you pay for.

did you know a game company actually makes more money when selling like 2 pc games than like 20 console games? consoles are for suckers.... but once in a while i play on the console!

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I'll consider a console when they are: (1) able to run things I really need -- like Visual Studio or IBM WebSphere Application Developer; (2) are compatible with the great things gaming communities contribute, and (3) (optionally) when Hell freezes over. :D


Granted, many PC games take some extra effort to install and run properly (are you listening Bethesda?!!!! *mutter mutter*). However, there is absolutely no excuse to suffer the game's shortcomings -- there are tons of guides and wonderful communities like this to help. A bit of reading and advice-heeding, and Fallout3 runs well -- even on Windows Vista :D


From my long-time lurking (only recently have I begun to post), I'd say over 90% of people encounter problems because ... *points to signature*

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So your saying if someones console game doesnt work its their fault and not the game company's fault? Isnt that kind of a crappy way to look at it? If you dont want to use a console thats fine but plenty of people do and we SHOULD hold these companys accountable for failing, not yell at the gamer for not being smart enough to know how to fix it.
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Exactly, console users shouldn't have PC-caliber problems, it should be just pop in the disc & work correctly, granted that it's not a perfect world & I have a feeling that the gamebryo engine (that Fallout3 uses) is pretty much pushed as far as it can go, maybe abit too far.
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So your saying if someones console game doesnt work its their fault and not the game company's fault? Isnt that kind of a crappy way to look at it? If you dont want to use a console thats fine but plenty of people do and we SHOULD hold these companys accountable for failing, not yell at the gamer for not being smart enough to know how to fix it.


But that is the part I don't understand... I have played through 2 complete files and half way through another on my XBox 360, and up untill the point when I installed Operation Anchorage, the only sort of problems I had were really small stuff like floating objects every once in a while, or a dog getting stuck in a rock, or one time I had my arms turn invisible...


The game didn't freeze on my once, untill I started playing Operation Anchorage, and even then Anchorage only froze up 2 or 3 times, but I was more than able to complete it.


I put in about 40 total hours playing Fallout on 360 with pretty much no difficulty.


And I know at least 8 other people that have completed the game on XBox 360 with no such problem... Ever since I got my new computer I have been letting people borrow my 360 disc, and I have never had anyone come back to me saying "this game keeps crashing and won't let me finish"


I couldn't tell you how many times the game crashed on them, but I know they were able to finish and they didn't come back complaining about anything...



So saying that Fallout 3 was a failure is a bit much... Every reputable gameing magazine or website I know of has given the 360 version of Fallout higher than 8/10... (the average is just over 9/10) Not that I always trust what magazines and websites say, but if it really was that glitchy, I don't think anyone would be giveing it anywhere near that high of a rateing... (Gamespot has 12,931 user votes that average out to a 9.2 rating...)


I am not saying the game doesn't have its problems, but I have never once heard of anyone not being able to finish because of it (at least on 360, I have heard of plenty of people destroying their save games and stuff on PC with various mods and such)




So pretty much, in my humble opinion. your just the most unlucky person on the face of the Earth...

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