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I'm looking for a mod with these features


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I was playing Oblivion for the first time, and I'm level 9 but extremely dissapointed and hoping maybe a mod will bring enjoyment to this *potientally* fun game.



Looking for a mod with these features:

-New voices. Seems like 2-3 voice actors covers all the NPCs I talked to.

-New faces/hair styles would help a lot.

-Make help NPC allies stronger, (Every NPC I grouped with died, even though I tried to be a meat shield.)

-Better level system, this +2-+5 really ruins immersion.


I can think of countless other improvements, but I don't want to get carried away here. I'm looking for really any mod that makes the game more realistic.


Thanks in advance.

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Everything you mentioned has been made at least 10 through 1 billion times. Except for the voices of course.


Someone redoing the voices would take ages and it would probably be worse. Even the mods with the best voices done by their modders are a little iffy. they're okay, but if I had to listen to them for the entire game I'd cringe. You wont notice they are the same voice if you dont think about it. I didn't notice myself until someone mentioned it. They probably saves a ton of money by reusing the same people.

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Modders all have really ugly voices, apperently (myself included).


New faces and hair mods are the second most common on tesnexus.


If you have the 1.2 patch, (I think, it might be from OOO too) when you wait for an hour (T key) you and your allies all gain full health. Really your best bet it to just wail on the baddies before they have a chance to get themselves killed. Also quicksave every 3 seconds.


There are mods for that as well. I don't see how that ruins immersion more then waiting and fast travel, however.

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