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Audio drop outs


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I read a bit about audio problems with radio and I tried some of those suggestions but my problem is different. I have audio drop outs in the game. For example, when I hover the mouse over the menu choices, the menu music drops out and I hear the click and then the music resumes. Same thing happens when the slides change. During gameplay, when walking I only hear my footsteps. When I stop, I hear everything else.


What can I do? I have the Klite pack installed and AC3 Filter and I tried setting the options as in that thread with the stuttering radio, but no dice. Switching AC3 Filter from DirectSound to WaveOut makes music play in-game while I have it turn off, but otherwise it's pretty much the same.


So frustrating.

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what's your OS (XP/Vista/Win7)? Do you have onboard sound, a sound card, both?


First I would try to unistall all codec packs. Perform a Windows Update, try to update your Audio driver and clean your system. Then try another codec pack like CCCP or the Vista Codec Pack, use the default settings.

Reboot, defrag your Harddrives.


hope this helps, strange problem anyway ...


btw: welcome to the forums 8)

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