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Vault 92


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Getting here almost killed me....stupid me i told Kelsey, Jessie and Dog to hang back at my Megaton Craphole.......


Im outta ammo for my Classic shotgun, checking the clip in my Colt M4 Carbine....i laugh...12 rounds.


Now im sitting in the Overseers Office checking the compounds map......


In the Sound Testing Area of the Vault...there is one door that is blocked from closing by a shelf...in that room is a door that leads to the Overseers office....(i tfc, and see guns,ammo, a safe...stuff you can take..and the door.)....now....


In the Overseers office, on the map i can see a door that leads to the Soundtesting Area.....but cant get to it!!!


The equipment in that room can save my life on my journey back (got fast travel dissabled)


Anyone got any idea how to access that room?


I dont really feel like feeding myself to the local "wild life" on my way back lol


:thanks: for any help.

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This is the secret escape passage like theol one you used to get out of 101. You can't get to it because the computer doesn't work.


But you can terminate most Mirelurks by a "noiseflush", using one of the terminals in the living quarters section (men or women's dorm), or using the security terminal on a lower level. Of course your hacking skills need to be adequate enough.

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