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Created NPCs have wrong body Skin Color


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I have been working on some new npcs for my game in GECK and for some reason everyone that is not caucasian has the correct color head but the body will not change to match the race, so now i have some african-americans with caucasian bodies.

How can I get the bodies to match the head?

I have attatched a picture so you can see what i mean.

P.S Duplicates of african-americans also end up with caucasian bodies for me.

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I've have the same problem. The only solution that worked for me was to use FO3Edit to toggle master status for my plugin (myplugin.esp -> File Header -> Record Flags -> ESM). I think you have to change it back to an esp (uncheck ESM) to edit the plugin - so it's something that's done when the mod is finished.


If you are already using an .esm - I have no clue.

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