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Bandit Raiders


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So I made a large group pf bandits attack the Ic Talos PLaza District because I wanted to add some action to the city and not have everyone just wandering around.So they attack and the guards kill them.Is it possible to make them come back every day and attack?I Set the AI package to travel to marker and the marker is in the city and I set them to respawn but they dont come back.Any help
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You could have seven groups of bandits. One for each day of the week. You could have seven scripts, one for each set of bandits. A particular group of bandits would be disabled four days a week, and enabled three days a week. The script would be sort of like:


SCN AABanditPlagueWednesdaySCRIPT
Begin Gamemode

 If GetDayofWeek == 3 

 If GetDayofWeek == 6



It would be best to place the bandits in some safe location where they won't fight the guards, and then have them move to the city with wander AI packages when it is their day to attack. This plan might need some fine-tuning. If the bandits are disabled when dead, they might be reenabled as dead bandits. In other words, they might have to be present in the gameworld in order to re-spawn. I believe the re-spawn occurs at the editor location, not at the location of death. If the settings were out of adjustment you might get two or three days worth of bandits on a particular day, or no bandits at all. So I think it would be best to have a bandit staging area in a place where there are no guards so the bandits can respawn there and wait a bit before being disabled or attacking again.

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