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Best Video Game Quotes?


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I want to compile a list of the 100 best video game quotes around. In order to get a quote onto the list, you must post the quote, along with the character who said it, the series it is from and preferably the game it is in. After that, your quote will have to be seconded by two people (you MUST put in the quote when seconding). After we have 100 quotes, I will create a seperate topic with the 100 in where you can vote for your favourite.


Here's two to start


Your name's Percival? Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank - Tools of Destruction


I would have been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence! Sgt Avery Johnson - Halo series - Halo 2 and 3

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From PortaL


"Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I said 'goodbye', and you were like 'no way'? And then I was all 'we pretended we were going to murder you'. That was great."
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