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Best Video Game Quotes?


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STOP! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit!

-Imperial Guard in Oblivion




"Edwin do this, EDWIN DO THAT... somebody get this jerk a banana"-Edwin(about player)-Baldurs gate 2


Seconded once


no more suggestions until we get the first five on the list, so get seconding!

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STOP! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit!-Imperial Guard in Oblivion




I would have been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence! Sgt Avery Johnson - Halo series - Halo 2 and 3


Seconded once

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we have our first list member.


A warning: All suggestions made when I have said no more for a while will automatically be excluded from any possibility of getting on the list. Repeat offenses will make sure none of your suggestions make it onto the list. I will also remove any repeat offender's seconded suggestions from the list unless they are REALLY good.

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