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My videos


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I have been creating videos. I can show you some of them:


TES IV: Oblivion: I'm Here! (Russian rock-singer Valery Kipelov)



So endless is the sea's surface,

As is my loneliness.

I can't escape myself here,

And can't hide in the sweet dreams.


This life

Has no new shores,

And the wind is tearing the remains of sails...


I touched your dreams,

And the moment wasn't too sweet.

Like sand, between my fingers slides

The world that was open only for two of us.


We walked towards each other,

Faster and faster,

And walked through, not recognizing one another...



I'm here, where light and peace freezes

I'm here again, I hear your name

From the eternity, a forgotten voice flies

To fall from the night skies as the cold fire.


I thought that time would erase your trace

And didn't catch your sight in the crowd

I sought the answer in others' hands,

And didn't search for the way back.


Forgetting everything,

I started my life anew,

But I saw how empty was the sea's surface...


TES IV Oblivion: Last tour of Bilan (Russian pop-singer Dima Bilan)


Three videos from my non-finished Ice Citadel mod:


Dimmu Borgir - The Serpentine Offering (LoTR - Conquest)


Internet is for porn - Star Wars! (This video doesn't contains porn! It's soundtrack from Avenue Q musical!)


Darkseed - The Fall (Fallout 3). Very old video.


Fallout 3 - Planet Hell (on my reserve account)


Also you can browse my account, but most of videos on Russian language.

P.S. Sorry if I creating topic in wrong part in forum.

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Great work, Imperator3! Kudos given to you.


What an epic moment your third video: Ледяная цитадель. The music is absolutely fantastic (I think it's a requiem, but I'm not sure, please, could you give me the name of the author, I don't understand Russian language). I'm waiting now for your release.


I fall down of my chair from laughing with Internet is for porn - Star Wars! The music is incredible and your video is amazing! Thanks!

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I stopped create Ice Citadel a long time ago, it will never been released.

About song. I don't know singer name, but you can download song here: http://www.4shared.com/file/141886562/a674..._Recordare.html

Oh, condone me please, what a shame, I'm sorry to see some hard work ending that way... :confused: You certainly deserve more succeed in your future modding works.


Thanks for the link, you're a very kind person. And I heartily wish you good luck for all your projects. :happy:

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The first video was so emotionaly delighfull, thanks for sharing it. Also your vids with the mod are great.





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I stopped create Ice Citadel a long time ago, it will never been released.

About song. I don't know singer name, but you can download song here: http://www.4shared.com/file/141886562/a674..._Recordare.html


Imperator your Ice Citadel mod looks done as it is... I think you should just release it :whistling:

Also in your third video What mod has those alchemy animations? I've always wanted something like that that isn't just an animation pack.

Great vids, but even better mods.

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