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A Humble Request.


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I agree, hell, I even have stuff from BF2142 in my Fallout version. I was requesting this because I thought it would be a cool armor mod that the community could benefit from. (I for one have wanted to play as a DB soldier for quite a few years now, about four or five to be exact, the Captain (one in the middle of pic) in particular, because I've loved the style of their gear. It just appeals to me. I requested it for people to make it, not for people to whine about it because it "doesn't fit the lore". But hey, to each his own. Just don't bring it on here. It really kills my mood when I'm looking through my modding requests/posts and I see someone whining about something not "fitting the lore of the game", when really, Bethesda just broke the lore themselves with that stupid Alien Mother Ship DLC. Seriously dude, get real. There's plenty of other things to worry about than "lore breaking" content for a game. Just my two-pence. And not to be rude or anything, but if anyone so much as thinks about retaliating to this post, I've only got two words to say in response to you. Suck it.
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People arn't choosing not to make it because of any sort of lore reasons


People choose not to make it because it is an armor...



Have you ever seen anyone make an armor from the Modification Request Forum?


I have been on this website for... well... way too long. And I havn't seen it happen once. People just don't come to this section and make armors for people. So unless you are really extreamly lucky, and find someone who has 10 hours to kill and is a huge DOC fan, then you are probly out of luck.



I know from expereince, makeing armor is very time consuming. Modeling and texturing is hard enough, but then when it comes to rigging it onto the Fallout skeleton it is really just a huge pain... And if anyone has spent the time and effort to learn how to do all of that stuff, they most deffinatly have their own stuff they are passionate about, and are not lurking around the Request Forums looking for people to ask them to make stuff.






Don't take it personally, but things in the request section simply don't get made. It is simply a graveyard for ideas.


It may sound harsh, but it is the truth, just look for yourself.





Personally, I like the outfit


But not enough to put aside my other projects and make it. Just simply too much work involved.

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You've been on this site for "way too long", and you haven't noticed the plethora of armor mods that are being made? One such armor is being cataloged right here in the forums, under the name of the "Cerberus Protect Gear - WIP". Though it's going along a lot slower, it's nearing completion. I haven't really payed attention to any of the other ones, because the Cerberus one is so far the only one that's interested me. Besides, if I had the 15,000 dollars to go in for Graphics Designing, Modeling, etc. classes for one, maybe two years, I would have payed for it already. Because I'm not going to get jack sh*t by fiddling with the GECK. Hell, I don't even know how to make a texture! If I knew all that stuff, I would have made the armor myself and released it, but I don't, so I can't. So my only options are: A, Ask for someone to make it here on the forums, or B, forget the whole idea and just throw it into the garbage, which, in my opinion, is a waste, because I'm sure there would be a lot of FF fans out there who would love to put DoC armor into their Fallout 3 game.
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You've been on this site for "way too long", and you haven't noticed the plethora of armor mods that are being made? One such armor is being cataloged right here in the forums, under the name of the "Cerberus Protect Gear - WIP". Though it's going along a lot slower, it's nearing completion. I haven't really payed attention to any of the other ones, because the Cerberus one is so far the only one that's interested me. Besides, if I had the 15,000 dollars to go in for Graphics Designing, Modeling, etc. classes for one, maybe two years, I would have payed for it already. Because I'm not going to get jack sh*t by fiddling with the GECK. Hell, I don't even know how to make a texture! If I knew all that stuff, I would have made the armor myself and released it, but I don't, so I can't. So my only options are: A, Ask for someone to make it here on the forums, or B, forget the whole idea and just throw it into the garbage, which, in my opinion, is a waste, because I'm sure there would be a lot of FF fans out there who would love to put DoC armor into their Fallout 3 game.


People make armor, yes


I myself have armor that I am working on


But what I was saying is that they don't make armor from the "Modification Request Section"



It is just human nature, if you are going to spend that much time on something it is going to be something you have been wanting to do, not something someone on a forum says "hey, you should make this because I want it"



I'm just telling you what I know from expereince and observation



But there are a lot of things people would like to see in game, but a much smaller number of people who have the ability and time to create an armor mod for it.



People make the armor they want, not the armor people request







But good luck anyways

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lots of stuff does end up getting made from the request forums, over half the stuff ive made started as a request. (no full armor) but the more involved the request, the less likely someone will have the time to give to it. you may still get lucky though
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I've been making a ton of mods, lately, and I check the Request forum to see whether people want them. Otherwise, I generally don't bother publishing them. It's kind of a hassle to keep up with published mods, because there's always bugs to deal with and further improvements you could make that people will comment about.
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Besides, if I had the 15,000 dollars to go in for Graphics Designing, Modeling, etc. classes for one, maybe two years, I would have payed for it already. Because I'm not going to get jack sh*t by fiddling with the GECK.


You don't need to go to school for it (graphics design isn't the term you're thinking of anyways). It's something you can learn at home. School is good for professional guidance and competition from students and resources etc, but it's something that anyone can pick up.

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Either way, I'm going to have to pay money for classes, advanced or not, because there is NO ONE that I know of personally that would be willing to teach me how to design models, etc. Not for free, at least. But money is one thing I'm not willing to spend on that kind of thing right now, given that the economy is still crap here in the US. Maybe I should move to Russia or something. (sarcasm, btw. <_< so no snide remarks.)


Edit: And the tutorials online don't do jack sh*t for me. No matter how many times I go through them, no matter how detailed they are, not even if it has an image guide along with it, I still can't manage to be able to do things like that without majorly F*cking something up. Hell, on the eighth try I actually FRIED my motherboard, as in, it LITERALLY exploded (no, not a big explosion. Just a VERY loud "POP") and caught on fire. I guess I'm just not made for this kind of stuff. So much for my dream of becoming a Game Designer.


Edit 2: Well, if no one can create even ONE of the suits from the first pic, then maybe they could create this? It wouldn't be as time consuming, considering it looks enclave-ish. Only the helm though.

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