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Being a Dragonborn without the Main Quest


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As the title said, is there a mod that makes it possible for the PC to be the Dragonborn without doing the Main quest. Say I'm playing a wanderer who happened to discover his power, or a thief who's treasure chase led him to a dragon and word wall, etc.


I want to be the Dragonborn without having to act like the hero of Whiterun who slayed a Dragon. A Dragonborn who didn't ask the Yarl of Whiterun to send troops to Riverwood because "it ain't mah job mate". Anyone know of such a mod?


EDIT : Or can it be done without mod actually. Say I find a shout and kill a Dragon, would that trigger the appearance of Dragons in general, or I really need to through the Whiterun quest line?

Edited by MrPrincePapa
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Completing the Whiterun quest only turns on the Global for "DragonsReturned" to 1 and grants you the first word of Unrelenting force. Changing the global causes dragons to spawn randomly based on several variables which change based on how far you are in the main quest; however, you won't formally be recognized as dragonborn until you complete the Horn of Jorgen Windcaller. Miraak will still recognize you as Dragonborn, but won't mention the greybeards unless you complete this quest; however, you can still battle dragons and absorb their souls. If you are formally recognized as Dragonborn by the Greybeards, you will be given unique Dialogue by Miraak. You will also have some unique dialogue for quests, but it isn't necessary to complete those quests.


Also, not being recognized as Dragonborn will give Durnehviir some unique dialogue as well; for which he will explain to the player that he does not know why he he considers him Dovah, but that it comes natural to him to do so and that it may be revealed why later.


If you want to fight dragons without completing Dragon Rising, just type "Set DragonsReturned to 1" in the console and that should make dragons spawn randomly in the world. I can't promise this won't cause side affects. For instance, When you travel with delphine to Kynesgrove, DragonsReturned is set to 0 temporarily so that you don't have a random dragon attack before Delphine takes you to Kynesgrove.


To be honest, I don't suggest you do this as there are some known bugs with it. For instance, you will cause some word walls to become unobtainable if you unlock shouts before you are granted Unrelenting Force through Dragon Rising.

Edited by Miles Tails Prower
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Fair enough, and quite awesome for such a quick reply!


I guess that as long as all I'm missing on is the main quest, it isn't TOO bad. I'm also quite curious of the alternate dialogues. As for the random dragon attacks, well, I'm not sure whether I want them or not, after thinking about it: on one hand they make the game fun, and on the other they're annoying. Guess I'll just try it out, and if I ever want the dragons, I'll find some random rp reason for my character to do the main quest.

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Fair enough, and quite awesome for such a quick reply!


I guess that as long as all I'm missing on is the main quest, it isn't TOO bad. I'm also quite curious of the alternate dialogues. As for the random dragon attacks, well, I'm not sure whether I want them or not, after thinking about it: on one hand they make the game fun, and on the other they're annoying. Guess I'll just try it out, and if I ever want the dragons, I'll find some random rp reason for my character to do the main quest.

I suggest "Run for your Lives", a mod for Skyrim. It makes NPCs protected during a dragon attack. They cannot die to dragons, but they can still be killed by a careless player. There's lots of alternate dialogue in the game, especially with Miraak. Miraak with chastise you if you've barely killed any dragons, and will be impressed if you kill 25 or more. If you kill Alduin, he's shocked, making a chided remark that he could have done it if he wanted to.


During the battle with Miraak, he will also chastise you about the Greybeards, but only if you complete the Horn of Jorgen Windcaller, calling out thing such as "I know things the greybeards could never teach you", etc.


You can also have unique dialogue in some areas if you are recognized as Dragonborn. For instance, you can use that as a persuasion option to access the Mage's college. There is; however, one major perk to being dragonborn and doing the main quest. It allows you to complete the Civil war with a temporary truce. This can only be done if you pursue the main quest before you start the civil war; however. Other than that, mostly quips and alternate dialogue options. Having access to the Th'um is really useful for early game play, but isn't necessary.


Do keep note; however, that dragons still attack after Alduin's defeat, but at a reduced rate.

Edited by Miles Tails Prower
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