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Ezio's Assassin Clothes


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Um . . . sorry . . . but I say the last post can be called a bump.


(and I have this idea FAR longer than you do, I've requested it : http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...136144&hl=)


ON topic :


First of all. Wait it for be released first.


Sorry to say it's hard. Harder than it looks. And I think if you want it so badly, make it yourself (or maybe with help from others).


You can say "I'm not a modder", but nobody was borned a modder, but you can be if you want to. If you really can't, wait.

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Yeah ok, we get it, bumping is bad.


Can we get back on topic please.


Did it ever occur to you that snapping at your posters is poor public relations? It's a delicate art, man, and you can't just snap at people left and right, unless you want to drive modders away.

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Hey Kieran, heres an idea, just stop with the poor attitude and the poor way you treat others in your posts. Seriously, your not an admin, so you don't have the right to snap at people like that, thats poor behavior, and the last I checked, that type of behavior is also bannable, so please, if you want to post about stupid stuff like that, please word it in a way so that its not, how should I say this? Harrassing at times?
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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, its been a while since the last post and to be honest I've been to busy playing AC2 to revive this request, but I am doing it now.


Now that the game is out, people wanting to have a go at making this should be able to find an ample supply of images and videos of Ezio's clothes.


So if anyone wants to do it, please please please get in touch


PS: As optional, will you also do Ezio wearing Altair's armor, if you play the game and have got it you'll know what I mean, to everyone else, there aren't many pics of it, only vids, its basically just a black version of Ezio's normal outfit; but heres a vid of it:



Thanks guys

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  • 2 weeks later...
lol this mod request consists of this


Actual Mod Talk %20


Epic fail/Arguments %80


but to be serious now i am working on armour creating although this does look more clothy materialised im waiting on a dude he's showing me his awsome techniques on armour/clothes modding :)


Found this:


Assassins Creed 2 Ezios Gear




Oh and "...will you also do Ezio wearing Altair's armor, if you play the game and have got it you'll know what I mean, to everyone else, there aren't many pics of it, only vids, its basically just a black version of Ezio's normal outfit..."


That is in The Honor of Assassins

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