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Bandicam Causing crash and super low fps


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Hey O_o

Bandicam has started giving me alot of troubles since the past month..

it always killed my fps a little but now it is making me stutter like no end,

my fps drops to 20-30 and sometimes just chokes down to 10-15, and will most likely freeze up my game when it does

used to be 45-50fps while recording back then and that was with graphics to the max with nevada skies + Enbdev presets to the max...

now i dont even have any enb installed and even using fnv4gb.. and anyways my gpu can handle any graphics thrown at it..

my cpu is a bit weak but without recoring i can do anything without lag in this game.

but yaaa it loads too much when recording poof crash... with anti stutter mod its even worst almost instant crash if i press record,

and well i need to make my mod spotlights and playthrew and it is alwayyyys crashing recently,

the second i stop recording my fps is always at 60 fps steady even if i had 40 monsters after me with every single settings on ultra


it only happens to me with new vegas and is reallly starting to get on my nerves alot...spending 2 hours to try and make a 5 minute video about

a camera mod...is ridiculous

and i need to finish my playthrew =(


Anyone has any idea of why it would do this?

i use h264 codec using my gpu only to record so one more reason i dont understand..stutter is normally a cpu problem

could it actually be fnv4gb thats causing my bandicam to lag maybe?

all i know is that sure it always kills performance a tiny bit but... i have super massive graphics on skyrim and it runs fine

and any other recent games that i made a playthrew had not a single crash

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