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Ghost Ships and Ghost Liners

Jacob Black

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Seeing that it is halloween some one should make a mod with all kinds of ships, ghost ships that is. try to do these (if it is Possible) do a mod with the most famous ghost ship The Flying Duthchman (Not the one off of the pirates of the carribean) there are others but it is the only one with a name that i can remeber.




now i am going to make a post concerning Ship wrecks

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i at the moment cant do it but i am going to try something simple though but i cant mod any thing i am going to try to relocate some mod houses because they are in the same location
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try learning how to mod insted ! :P


No offense, man, but the Requests forum is for people who CAN'T mod to place requests so that modders can make them, not for people to post requests so you can tell them to do it themselves.

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