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Jacob Black

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Everything posted by Jacob Black

  1. I do not know if this has been done already but I am going to ask anyway. I want a mod that Allows the Player to Have the Class of Werewolf and the pentagram (without the outer rim) as the Birthsign this would be perfect for werewolf mods and i think it would be cool to have espeacially if your charcter is a werewolf and i would aslo like it cause i want my charecter's class and birthsign to be that of a werewolf (now since my 1st one was ruthlessly shotguned without anyone having a chance to even post 1 reply i have reorganized and thought up my idea even better. Note:this is not spam, trolling, bumping, nor necromacing so please do not mark as sutch at least give the community time to reply, i am also am going to repost a certain thread that was locked simply cause it did not have any replys or suggestions. please do not respond to this note, foot note.)
  2. i know that battlefront is a completly differnt game all i need is the script that makes it possible to be in an eternal interior such as a stable or roof and not have rain coming through it like its not there and be able to look out from under a roof and see rain coming down
  3. update info in the game Starwars battlefront II in kamino one of the buildings on the platforms uses this script sortof the rain does not fall whil under the roof but if you look out of the windows it is raining is this done with skripts or not?
  4. how do i add colision to convered meshes cause i am going to make a shipwreck mod that i requested a while back and they will need collision so that you wont swim through it Can this be done? cause i want my converted meshes to have collision ( Note:this is not spam, trolling, bumping, nor necromacing so please do not mark as sutch at least give the community time to reply, i am also am going to repost a certain thread that was locked simply cause it did not have any replys or suggestions. please do not respond to this note, foot note)
  5. anyone willing to make this Necromancy AND bumping in one day... Not a good turn of events. Please read the forum rules before making another post. Next one will be a strike. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/2881-all-newbies-read-this-before-posting/ - Vagrant0
  6. ok ive added a britsh phonebooth anf the bow section of the wreck of the titanic
  7. i agree when your undefeatable it is sorta funny just use tgm in the console if you want to be undefeatable
  8. i found some made from scratch bloodmoon style werewolves and they are almost like the ones from morrowind but they are different in several ways i cant get the models to show up in the cs but they will load into it so they are not from morrowind
  9. Cooooooooooooolll this sound awsome i thrive on the scary things Old thread, not sure how newbies find this stuff. Will let this bit of necromancy pass, but next one will result in the thread being closed and a strike to the poster. If you don't have anything to contribute don't make a post. - Vagrant0
  10. i am curently having some modelers on a website called maxrealms make the gray werewolf model i am going to feature this in my mod Land of theLost
  11. updated but postponeing relese to have more new stuff in it slowly but surly it is coming together iv just added a british phonebooth and the bow section of the Titanic
  12. i have a tone of 3ds meshes if any one wants to work with them
  13. is it ready? cause i got my building to showup and would like to have these to set on the corners of the roof
  14. by the way how do i add colision to convered meshes cause i am going to make the Alyied ships of iron and steel mod that i requested a while back and they will need collision
  15. I do not know if this has been done already but I am going to ask anyway. I want a mod that Allows the Player to Have the Class of Werewolf and the pentagram (without the outer rim) as the Birthsign this would be perfect for werewolf mods and i think it would be cool to have
  16. being tormented by the full moon
  17. hey try my mod It is called Land of the Lost Beta
  18. it is alright my memory is not perfect either. can you just make a mesh of the werewolf gargoyal? i mean if you want to oh and thanks for making the plyon
  19. uh my plyons and the werewolf architecture
  20. yeah i am here is the url they have odels and oodels of 3d models http://www-roc.inria.fr/gamma/download/download.php
  21. whats the news on my requested models? i am just curious is all
  22. I am currently Having computer problems so i might not be here for a while
  23. i know a site you can goe to to get all sorts of meshes you will need blender to convert them to nifs though if you want i will place a link to the sight only use the 3ds you can download em for free most are not textured though i have some and i am ganna upload the charecter meshes soon we i get to it
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