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Eye and hair mod conflicts for vanilla races


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Okay my problem is this. I have downloaded new hair and new eye meshes for vanilla oblivion races, but when I go to use them together, whichever mod loads after the other overrides the previous mod. Like if I have Dragon Eyes load before Short Hair, then short hair can be used on a vanilla race, but dragon eyes won't even show up as an option. Any idea how I could use both such mods so I can have both custom hair and custom eyes for a vanilla oblivion race working at the same time?
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Every eye/hair addons try to change same area(RACE record), so they will eventually conflict each other. Usually the last loaded one will get priority, but if the things go bad, none will work.


Solutions are:

1. Make bashed patch with Wrye Bash, so the small cosmetic addons will be merged into the bashed patch.

2. Make your own cosmetic mod by merging cosmetic addons. However, do not try to use eye addon with different eye meshes together. You will get 'googly eyes' problem.

3. If you can't do solution 1 or 2, get a larger cosmetic mod.

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