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NCC-1701 USS Enterprise Deck by Deck - WIP


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Been workin a little today on the beam energy test stand for the High Energy lab. Not

sure this is the way it's gonna stay; but it's a start.

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Been workin a little today on the beam energy test stand for the High Energy lab. Not

sure this is the way it's gonna stay; but it's a start.


This model ought to be made for the star trek excalibur project, its the only way you'll get to explore and pilot the model.

Not to mention actually use all the equipment you've made for the interior of the ship as mission assets.

With regards to Oblivion/Fallout or even Skyrim, its clearly out of place and will only be available as a static map.

You will also need to divide the exterior from the interior if you want to avoid the rain falling through the decks.

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this is Frig-gen Awesome work and I'm gonna be here for the finished upload, Hell Frig-gen Yeah...


on that note i do have one maybe 2 suggestions on the completed work


1. it would be cool to be in a shuttle craft with one of the lead Captains like Picard or Janeway and to fly into the Shuttle-bay as if it was like a Smithsonian Guided tour




2. it would also be cool since you have gone through all this work of doing the interior it would be just as cool to strap on some Grav Boots walk the ship on the outside while it in say space dock or in Standard Orbit of say Earth or Vulcan

you could appreciate the ship from both inside and from the vast size of the exterior as well .....just an idea

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  • 4 months later...








Well, looks like I'm back to work anyway. Gangways aft have been seated; but, need modifying

and some examination with regard to safety issues. The gangway forward has been modified

to extend it for actual deck height so that it now comes down closer to the floor.


The High energy lab is still being worked on. One of my machine designs is in; but, two others are

in progress after scrapping my initial designs. Moved quite a way in one day so fairly pleased.

The work tables in the HEL have been trimmed to the hull and dressed a little.


Been absent for a while. Got a second job among other things and been hosed for time or interest -

mostly just from being tired; but, you'll have that. Trying to get goin again. ;)

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Thanks for the update! This project continues to astound me the further along you get with it! I can understand not having the time and loosing interest somewhat due to work taking up so much of your time. It has all but killed interest in my own projects. A reversal of fortunes has given me some more time, just need to rekindle the drive.


I am glad we got to hear from you again. I hope you are well, aside from work tiring you out :)

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More detailing has been added. Comms, Alert lighting, a new lab table layout for

the Chem lab are in place. Time for some sleep ;)

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Thanks for the update! This project continues to astound me the further along you get with it! I can understand not having the time and loosing interest somewhat due to work taking up so much of your time. It has all but killed interest in my own projects. A reversal of fortunes has given me some more time, just need to rekindle the drive.


I am glad we got to hear from you again. I hope you are well, aside from work tiring you out :)


There was just so much going on for a bit.. work has been part of it. Finally reached the point of "all work and no play ..." Jack was gettin a little restless lol.

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Finished more of the equipment for the HEL and completed modding the gangways aft.

I'm currently working up another batch of signage - specifically, the turbolift signs.

Not certain there is space for one on deck2 after the bridge deck flooring is placed in

scene; but, these will be needed moving forward; so, no time like the present. There

are other signs I intend to make as well for the labs.. basic warning signs primarily.

"if you're going to do X, notify security" sort of thing. lol


Still a lot to do where deck 2 is concerned; but, nearing completion finally. And getting

my creative wind back.

Edited by havoc92
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