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NCC-1701 USS Enterprise Deck by Deck - WIP


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So when is an alpha of the mod going to be uploaded? Even if there is no clutter or quests or NPCs or anything, it would be fun to walk around on the starship and look at the architecture.
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A good few pieces needs to be smoothed.

Also needs some texture. It's better to work on the texture as you go, since it will become quite the thing to do in the end, if you save it.


I will give you a clap for doing it, but so far this is something that would't fit in anywhere but a LEGO game.

I must admit though, you are good for actually still having motivation for this! Most artist seem to drop something if it exceeds a month. I am guilty of that as well.

Looking forwards for some good renders at one point!


Question, though, do you High poly or Low poly model? Some shots I see high poly renders, and the next 12 items is low poly.

Either that, or you only model low poly, but got some good lightning going on!


Good luck onwards!





Actually, some of the models in scene were created when the model was started on 2 1/2 years ago. So, there are some places where those meshes definitely still need tweaked. That said, I've put off the texturing due to the fact that so much research is required to build the stuff that there ends up being a lot of returning to the scene of the crime (so to speak) to modify objects due to updated information. Not knowing when or where that's going to happen makes it insane to waste time texturing items only to have to go back and change the mesh and then redo the layout and texture work as well. On a small project, that might not be unreasonable.

On a project of this scope, it's insane.

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This is simply awesome work! I am almost speechless at what I am seeing here! I have had ideas for doing a complete set of decks for both the original Enterprise and the Klingon D-7 (I have a set of deck layouts for both) for Fallout 3, but my skill level is far from being able to do so at this time. I eagerly await more updates and a possible in game model!


I'd never done any work on meshes prior to starting this project. The project itself has served as my teacher. Come on in, the water is fine!

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"Come on in, the water is fine!"


That reminded me of an image I had seen of the Creature from the Black Lagoon saying that very thing, lol!


I understand that many 3d modelers and game modders have to start some place. Most of us get interested in an idea having no relevant skills, and decide to see how far they can go with it, teaching themselves along the way. It can be very frustrating at times, but most rewarding as well.


I have a number of mod projects I am sporadically working on, most of which are going to require me to learn how to script, do texturing and quite possibly learn how to model as well. Ambitious to say the least, but hopefully very rewarding once completed.

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Are you planning to release this as a mod for Oblivion?


Whil I'm certain there are several members here looking forward to a Trek Oblivion mod, to make full use of your model, you should include this ship in the Star Trek Excalibur project.

THis is exactly the kind of ship they need, they'll even provide you with the engine for the purpose.

Its the only project that allows the crew to walk through the interiors of the ship.


Contact them here



P.s being the NCC-1701 i'm not sure it'll fit into their current plotline, but considering your work, I'm certain they will accomodate it by any means.

Edited by NikhilR
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And here's the latest:






Data and energy lines are in. Added the internal dome cieling for the bridge itself. Need to develope a central

lighting sconce for it; but, ...

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I am absolutely flabbergasted by how this looks! Unless I actually take the time to look at the images, I would think they were images from the actual set! I keep expecting to see crew members walk into the frame. I would absolutely love to have this for my Fallout 3 game!


Hmm, what you could do, if you so wished, is once you have the model finished, you could upload it as a modder's resource for the rest of us to convert to our FO3, FNV or Oblivion games. I would definitely learn how to change it over myself! I am a big fan of the Original Series and would love to have this as part of my collection of Trek mods :biggrin:


Ok, now I am repeating myself... lol!

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Thanks Druuler.


I've seen a number of attempts by other people to do just the bridge. While they may be technically accurate, they look more like unrefined model kits.

Everything looks overly crisp, too perfect to be real, etc. In one case it looked rather antiseptic to the point of being a turnoff. I think a lot of that is in the lighting

and the lack of rounding to the surface edges; but, just a guess. So I've gone out of my way to avoid that. I want this looking like a warm, lived in space. So far, I'm happy with it. Still have to clean up some wall sections here and there; but, very happy with it. Hoping I'm as happy once it's all properly textured.

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First test render of my new glass texture. Transparency is working well; but, bump doesn't seem to be doing a lot and adding self illumination to it kills all the detail. Definitely got some work to do yet.



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Changed the texture to a dxt5 dds file. Redid bump, transparency... been playing with settings much of the morning between

horror movies ;). Little happier with the outcome and the self illumination doesn't wipe out the bump effect now ;)

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