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:( please help


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I've been running oblivion in a very lowend laptop, (amdturionx2 1,9ghz, 1gb RAM, Nvidia Gforce 7150m/630 with 256Vram) I've been working on making oblivion runs with very strict bargain good performance and graphic :o et. like using small texture, disabling all shadows, using Lowpoly mods and textures, oblivion sr, and 720x640 fullscreen display, but still I get considerably poor FPS when some lightsource both in indoors and outdoors (torch, candles, fire etc.). The good news is, recently I have found in oblivionwiki that setting lightLODs into large negative value can disable light from this candles, torch, and so thus it help my FPS, and resulting in very dark indoors.

And this dark indoors can be helped with `ts (toggle sky) that make indoors area is bright without losing FPS but in outdoors the sky is gone (pitchblack wether is noon or night)

I'm happy with this setting I am now, please help me with this toggle sky indoors off and when in outdoors on without executing console command everytime, :) thank U^^ godbless

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