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Dr.braun awakened


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Well I was playing the fallout 3 today and I completed the Tranquility Lane quest and I entered the Overseer's office with the idea that you could wake or kill the doctor lying asleep in the lounger. But as I came to find out you cant even open the pod. So I thought 'why not just try to mod it's in?' and I also found that it was harder that first expected. So im hear to ask that community if someone will step foward to help with this. The outline is this: Go into overseers office--->Use terminal there to open pod/kill Dr.Braun--->if opening pod then a speech line will occur with Dr.Braun basicly along the lines of confusion/anger that the player has doomed him/ then you could see him just vaporise or you could kill him. On him maybe some good loot or note with back story.


im not picky about this feel free to change what you like. I would like what I have said to be more of a foundation, for people to put forward ideas or seceptisisms.

im not sure if this has been done yet.oh and I have dislexia so spellings will be bad. :thanks:

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Well I played most the time as an evil character ('cous its more fun to be bad hehe) Why not revive him and take him to a place to kill lots of good ppl and recieve lots of bad karma and lots of new items and caps ? As an alternative way ofcourse. There is the other to put an end of his life for some good karma. (sorry for my bad spelling, I still learning english)
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ok bfg10k17 i like the idea but the guys body is only working because he is in the pod if he was to leave he would die. hmm.... maybe we could inject him with something to keep him alive.

oh and maybe he could be turned good or something?

some more loot would be nice as well.

also why only braun? maybe we could revive the others(if you did not use the backup terminal to start the invation)

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well, fixing up braun is not that much of a problem, since next to dad he's the only NPC actually in the Vault (the other NPC's literally don't exist outside of TL)


so getting braun out of the Vault wouldn't be all that hard, just add a Terminal that requires like a Science skill of 50, ref it to his pod, when you open the pod, add the exitpod animation.


there actually isn't really a need to change Braun all that much, he is defined as: unagressive, cowardly & helps nobody


however, he would need some ai packages, the only one he got is: sitinchair


and a nice bonus: Braun itself does not have any dialogue, so that makes givin him some much easier (all his dialogues are stored in the Betty NPC's)

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You might add reactor controls to the room. With a high enough science and/or repair level, you could set the controls so that the reactor explodes or melts down, flooding the vault with radiation, depending on your preference. Either way, you run for the vault entrance. Once you leave, you get a message that the reactor has exploded, killing Braun, or the reactor has melted, flooding the vault with radiation, and turned Braun into a really pissed ghoul. He is coming for you!


If you are allowed to do this before the sim, you could either break the main quest by killing Dad, or turn him into a ghoul, with the potential for a very interesting twist to the main quest at Project Purity, and bunch of other ghouls coming after you. If the reactor blows, it might be good for Dad to make a miracle escape somehow.

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Another cool thing to do would be to make a seperate add-on for Point lookout so you could learn how to extract/scoop brains- then you could make a robobrain with rob-co expert. That would get you bad karma, or you could kill him in his pod earning you good karma- that's my idea though.
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