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few ideas


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Here are a few ideas i had that i posted on the other forum that i may or may not create depending on how much free time i have in the future.

-Ancient Egypt

-King Arthur...Knights of the round table so on..

-vampiric castle, Bram Stoker style,

-Chrono Cross ( hey it'd be cool =P )

-fairy mod... no fantasy is complete without fairies

-Ocean mod (tons of different fish and creatures like squid, jellyfish different than netches, sharks and other monsters of the deep),(plants like coral sea anenomes, kelp forests....man wish the ocean floor could be lowered to make abyssal plains... =\ ), (dungeons like grottos, more sunken ships and so on)

-shadow knight type class half warrior/dark wizard

-robin hood mod with sherwood forest and all

- battle themed warrior guild where you report to certain locations and partake in large scaled battles on fields...in the mountains, defending forts and so on.



I know its been tried before but people were going about it wrong. How about a futuristic TC that takes place on some other planet with a few space colonies and tons of alien like creatures and stuff. As for weapons there must be someway to work around using guns (even though its possible using similar tactics as the crossbow) since guns kind of ruin the rpg feeling. Something like blades made of metal native to that planet.

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I was reading through your thing and you said something about making the oceans more lively. I was thinking maybe you could make a lost underwater city. You probably know about the Pirates of Morrowind mod. Being created by me and my team. It would be pretty cool to have an underwater city in the Pirates of Morrowind mod. And it is true you can't have a fantasy mod. without fairys I was thinking about making something like that.
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hmm pirate mod sounds pretty awesome Dr. And no im not trying to do all of this at once, they are just a few ideas i have come up with and may or may not do. I'm already helping with a few other mod projects so my free time is limited but i'm just throwing these ideas out in case anyone else aching to do something but lacking ideas wants to take any on.
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