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So I just noticed that Fallout 3 had no dynamic lighting...


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Look at the desks and stuff. Seriously? What? Have Bethesda gone funny in their collective heads? Why the hell is this not in the game? It looks TERRIBLE! Would it be remotely possible for an experienced shader artist to mod this in? Hell, if so, I'd be willing to pay twenty bucks to see it done. Thoughts?

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Fallout has almost identical lighting to oblivion (which is only a slightly improved over Morrowind, with the addition of normal maps), it has no (real) shadow capability. The lighting in Fallout is terrible, its last gen. The most annoying thing is that walls and other solid objects don't block light in any way, it just goes right through and lights up the next wall.
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Oblivion was originally going to include dynamic lighting, as could be seen in at least one pre-release gameplay video that I've seen, but this was removed from the final product. It looks like (for some reason) Bethesda didn't want to include it in Fallout 3 either. I'd definitely expect their next similar game to include dynamic lighting, though. As SpeedyB said, at the moment the lighting is last gen.



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It wouldn't require an amazing computer. Well, it would require an above average computer if you wanted to play on the highest graphics setting, with tons of mods.


But please Bethesda, we need better lighting!

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Beth probably kept the lighting simple so fallout wouldn't need higher system specs.

No. Why do you think you can change the graphic settings?


They're last gen on lighting like they're last gen on a bunch of things. They still make amazing games.

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@Skotte: Bollocks, why is it that my PC can run Crysis better than Fallout 3? Fallout 3 has basic lighting and normal maps, and HDR. Crysis has soft dynamic lighting, parallax mapping, HDR, DoF, object motion blur, sun rays...


@Cipscis: Yeah, I saw that, and it looked incredible.


@TheChan: Fallout 3 isn't incredible by any stretch. It's simply incredibly addictive. It has so many flaws, but the formula is great.

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