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Most and least favorite NPCs.


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Another thing I don't get is the overeating claim on Li. I've seen that one a few times already. People were being put down. She just saw James die and had to run for her life along with her colleagues. She had no where to go and the Citadel had just refused her. I didn't see the screaming (yelling really) as anything short of appropriate and it was well done. That woman has quite the power voice.


That was the only time I didn't feel like punching her come to think of it.


Another commonly hated character is Moira. I love her because she's so batshit crazy. So many can't stand her but the quests involving her were always fun. Hell, if you tell her that you blew the town up she says that as long as you're sorry, it's okay and not to do it again.


What is there to hate? XD


Someone else that sucks...uh, Stinky? Wait, what's his name? The annoying man? I feel sorry for him for having to be kicked out and thrown into the wastes for simply aging. Love the retarded stories he tells on the way but after awhile they just get old.


Oh! How could I forget!?


Roy Phillips: *banned* thought he was privileged to go into Tenpenny because they were prejudiced. Yes, they were but that's private property, and if they don't want him there, that's it. Forcing himself on them as if it was his God given right pissed me off. I just love killing him and his little army over and over and over...


Especially after seeing who the true bigots were the first time around.

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Pinkerton is a veritable genius, but it's easy to see why Rivet City sided with Li over him. He sees the world in science, he did things in the interests of science, while Li at least PROMISED to improve the lives of the people. Personally, I'd drag Pinkerton off to my spaceship, tell him to study the damn thing and find out what he can about what makes her tick. It'd be a win-win: he gets to tinker with technology that makes anything the Commonwealth has come up with look like Lego, and I get to know the ship better. You know, maybe find out a good place to go to with the non-turkey portion of humanity. Given what things are like, fitting them all on one ship shouldn't be a problem...



But as for favourites and non-favourites...




Clover - the whole Eulogy thing is icky, but hacking him to pieces while he's still alive provides some much-needed therapy to cure that. And she's cute and deadly; and I'm probably the only person in the world who prefers her original looks - especially haircut - to all those "lol loli kitty kawaii =^.^= " bull-feces remakes of her. 'sides... anyone that brutalizes a god damn motherloving deathclaw with nothing but a lawnmower blade set on fire is worthy of respect.


Sydney - an actual NPC with a character! A shocker. And yeah, she'd need only a little bit (as opposed to quite a lot with many other characters) more fleshing out and she could make for a Bioware-esque romance, as mentioned (well, probably less of an incentive for me, as I play female LWs... buuuut, then again, she makes no mention of gender when she talks about getting laid).


Augustus Autumn - for the above-mentioned reasons.



Least favourites:


Dad - honestly, for someone that smart, he's pretty stupid, like said. Especially in the confrontation with Autumn. "Don't believe me? Fine, bring in your scientists. I'll bring the systems online, they can confirm that this thing doesn't work." Well and at that, they'd have to open the airlock, at which point I could go postal on the Enclave (power armors? pfft, unless there's a plotdoor between us, they're 100% at *MY* mercy... I'm just awesome like that, okay?) Well and the whole part about not foreseeing the consequences of his actions, despite the fact that he's known the hysterical maniac that runs vault 101 for 19 years.


At some points, Brotherhood of Steel as a whole. "Honorary Lyons Pride member? WTF, I never applied! Wait, what? You made me one of your god damn KNIGHTS while I was out? I mean, sure, I'm grateful you didn't just dump me in the Potomac, but that's pushing my gratitude way beyond it's limits! Hold on! Who made YOU the boss of Project Purity? Yeah you had a big robot, but I don't recall that robot working for years on it, or that robot finding the GECK, or that robot turning the dang thing ON (actually, irony is sweet... a super mutant succeeded where the Brotherhood failed...)." I especially wanted to bust the jaw of that brickface that pretended to be your commanding officer in Broken Steel - kiddo, I've singlehandedly punched out enemies that'd make you crap yourself in that tin can of yours, all the while wearing a leather jacket and a pair of tortoiseshell glasses, and YOU think you're better than ME?


Eulogy Jones - do I really need to go into reasons? Though I did like the fact he's black, while Hannibal Hamlin is white. The other way around would've been just a massive eye-roll-fest.


Sarah Lyons doesn't belong here, though, since she straightens up after the first meeting. You mean two unarmed super mutants can take out five Brotherhood soldiers? Wow, you must suck really badly, because I took them down with one grenade and a taped together hunting rifle - alone.

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There are some very interesting choices as far as who you all love and hate. I have to concur with the majority of them too.


Others to add to my "hate" list, lol:

Amata = Ungrateful bint. (I love the random encounter where she gets killed by Enclave Soldiers if you forced the people out of the Vault.)

Dad = Moron extraordinaire, I mean really, "Project Purity"? Didn't anyone ever tell him you could purify irradiated water by draining it through soil?

Mayor MacCready = Brat and pain in the *ss par excellence. You'd think that a fully armed, armored and grizzled wastelander would inspire a little more respect (dare I say fear?) from him considering the amount of lives taken by said wastelander on a daily basis. What's the life of one pint sized potty mouth in the grand scheme of things?

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Dad = Moron extraordinaire, I mean really, "Project Purity"? Didn't anyone ever tell him you could purify irradiated water by draining it through soil?


And you name the number one piece of idiocy about the entire game. Also, why the HELL would the entire river system be radiated and what massive climate change turned DC into a DESERT. Its a FRACKIN' SWAMP!


California as a desert MAKES sense. Why? BECAUSE CALIFORNIA ALREADY IS A DESERT!


If someone wanted to make a good mod "Makes sense" mod they'd take Point Lookout and make the whole damned Capitol Wasteland like that.


Mayor MacCready = Brat and pain in the *ss par excellence. You'd think that a fully armed, armored and grizzled wastelander would inspire a little more respect (dare I say fear?) from him considering the amount of lives taken by said wastelander on a daily basis. What's the life of one pint sized potty mouth in the grand scheme of things?


Great thinking Beth, you slack jawed morons. First they make kids completely unkillable. Okay, I can see that... stupid, but I can see why they'd do it. Then they have it so you have to deal with kids to enter a plot critical vault. Okay, that is a bit dumber. Now lets make them the most obnoxious pack hateful little smegheads ever created. Idiots. On top of that, Little Lamplight doesn't make any gorram sense as where the hell do the new kids come from? It simply fails at logic, like most of the damned game!

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Great thinking Beth, you slack jawed morons. First they make kids completely unkillable. Okay, I can see that... stupid, but I can see why they'd do it. Then they have it so you have to deal with kids to enter a plot critical vault. Okay, that is a bit dumber. Now lets make them the most obnoxious pack hateful little smegheads ever created. Idiots. On top of that, Little Lamplight doesn't make any gorram sense as where the hell do the new kids come from? It simply fails at logic, like most of the damned game!


Holy crap do some people like to complain just to compain... :blink:



My favorites:


Fawkes: Love this guy. You get kidnapped and what does he do, he runs halfway across the Wasteland to come to your rescue. Awesome. His love for killing radroaches with his gatling laser and shouting "I WIN AGAIN!" just melts my heart.


Harold: Feel so sorry for him. His fate is unfitting after all he did in the first and second games. Alas. I'm sure I'll get some comments from the puritans out there about that about how Bethesda fails at life, the universe, 42, and everything for making him a tree in the East Coast when that's totally illogical because blah blah blah timeline blah blah blah wasteland blah blah blah. I bet he'll show up again though. Fun to see how humorous he can still be in the face of....crippling depression and insanity. I love how his quest has the deepest moral choice in the game, and the character of Harold really makes you care about him (unless of course you choose based on the rewards or just don't care about moral choices in a video game).


He's green. he's an awesome robot. He says "HOO HAH!" Nuff said.



Least favorites:

Tenpenny: You're supposed to hate him, he's supposed to be a bad guy, but he's nothing but civil to me when I go to see him. So much confliction! He should have a curly black mustache and a goatee and a maniacal laugh.


Roy Phillips: Gaaah why can't I just kill you and have the quest be resolved? You're obviously a psycho!


Sonora Cruz: C'mon, you're a leader of a group of lawful do-gooders. You should be totally awesome. Instead they make you run away from every fight and cause problems for every person playing the game with the lawbringer perk. For shame...

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Sonora Cruz: C'mon, you're a leader of a group of lawful do-gooders. You should be totally awesome. Instead they make you run away from every fight and cause problems for every person playing the game with the lawbringer perk. For shame...


And the fact that she pays a pittance for every finger you bring her. What kind of bounty is 5 caps? I mean c'mon, give me a break...

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Can't believe I forgot Harold. He's so cool, that is one of the deeper quests.


Clover would be cool with me too if she'd just tone down on the flirting and that awful accent. Really, she's comes on a wee bit too strong for me to like her.



Another one I can't believe I forgot:


The Family. I hate these guys the most of all.


All that lecturing about not being cannibals, what bull. You're human; you eat/drink humans, thus you are a cannibal Vance. Just drinking the blood does not make you a goddamn vampire nor does it make you special. Calling me stupid for seeing the obvious will not win you brownie points buddy.


To top it off the deal that can be made with them is horrible, how exactly could they possibly protect Arefu? And why should Arefu give them anything in the first place? The whole reason they targeted it was because they were too cowardly to go after nastier targets. They harassed innocent people, driving them inside their homes, slaughtering their livestock/livelihood and then think they can get off with mooching off their blood? Protection my ass. Pathetic.


And how exactly would four villagers be enough for them all? And just drinking blood can't be good for the stomach. I'm not sure if it would end up burning a hole in it per se but still. The stupid burns.


Hell, feeding on raiders would profit everyone. God, I hate them all so much. None of the other cannibals in the game have been this irritating.


In the end they are a problem, they kill their own species while contributing nothing to mankind. Just as bad as raiders, so I off them. It's not like they'd have the stones to face raiders anyway.


Question: Why exactly is Ian West unable to be killed without Arefu coming down on my head? That script is so irritating. It makes it seem like they're psychic. Why shouldn't I kill him? What's the reason that boy deserves to live?




Another hated one is none other than Dogmeat. I hate him simply because everyone loves him. So many make such a big fuss over that poor excuse for a companion. I'm sick of seeing all the love, he's nothing to get excited over.


The dog from Fable 2 succeeds Dogmeat in every possible way. THAT'S a companion dog. Dogmeat is just sad when compared to that.


It's the engine, he just doesn't match with a dog that actually resembles a dog. :/

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There is a lot of crazy in this thread. I guess my personal hates are Amata (making everyone happy in a non-violent way gets me kicked out forever), EVERYONE in Little Lamplight and Roy Phillips.


I like Fawkes, but it irritates me to no end when he refuses to activate the purifier. Personally a big fan of Butch as a follower for the hilarious one liners.

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